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kpasswd(1) [centos man page]

KPASSWD(1)							   MIT Kerberos 							KPASSWD(1)

kpasswd - change a user's Kerberos password SYNOPSIS
kpasswd [principal] DESCRIPTION
The kpasswd command is used to change a Kerberos principal's password. kpasswd first prompts for the current Kerberos password, then prompts the user twice for the new password, and the password is changed. If the principal is governed by a policy that specifies the length and/or number of character classes required in the new password, the new password must conform to the policy. (The five character classes are lower case, upper case, numbers, punctuation, and all other charac- ters.) OPTIONS
principal Change the password for the Kerberos principal principal. Otherwise, kpasswd uses the principal name from an existing ccache if there is one; if not, the principal is derived from the identity of the user invoking the kpasswd command. SEE ALSO
kadmin(1), kadmind(8) AUTHOR
1985-2013, MIT 1.11.3 KPASSWD(1)

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kpasswd(1)                                                         User Commands                                                        kpasswd(1)

kpasswd - change a user's Kerberos password SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/kpasswd [principal] DESCRIPTION
The kpasswd command is used to change a Kerberos principal's password. kpasswd prompts for the current Kerberos password, which is used to obtain a changepw ticket from the KDC for the user's Kerberos realm. If kpasswd successfully obtains the changepw ticket, the user is prompted twice for the new password, and the password is changed. If the principal is governed by a policy that specifies the length and/or number of character classes required in the new password, the new password must conform to the policy. (The five character classes are lower case, upper case, numbers, punctuation, and all other charac- ters.) OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: principal Change the password for the Kerberos principal principal. Otherwise, the principal is derived from the identity of the user invoking the kpasswd command. FILES
/tmp/ovsec_adm.xxxxxx Temporary credentials cache for the lifetime of the password changing operation. (xxxxxx is a random string.) ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWkrbu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |Enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
If kpasswd is suspended, the changepw tickets may not be destroyed. SunOS 5.10 30 Jul 2001 kpasswd(1)
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