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kjs(1) [centos man page]

KJS(1)								 KDE User's Manual							    KJS(1)

kjs - KDE ECMAScript compatible interpreter SYNOPSIS
kjs [[--help] | [-help] | [-h]] [[-e statement]] [script] DESCRIPTION
kjs is KDE ECMAScript/JavaScript engine. APPLICATION OPTIONS
--help,-help,-h Show kjscmd usage. -e statement Executes the statement and exits. For example: kjs -e "print('hello world')" script Executes the statements included in file script. USAGE
kjsfile, as many other interpreters, when called without parameters uses a line editor to enter statements, showing the prompt JS> To exit the line editor type quit() or press Ctrl+D. SEE ALSO
kjs(1) BUGS
There are probably tons of bugs. Use[1] to report them. AUTHOR
Harri Porten <> Author. NOTES
1. 0.01.01 2008-10-15 KJS(1)

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KROSS(1)							 KDE User's Manual							  KROSS(1)

kross - KDE application to run kross scripts. SYNOPSIS
kross [--help] [Generic-options] [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [file ...] DESCRIPTION
kross executes kross scripts written in KDE Javascript, Python, Ruby, Java and Falcon. GENERIC OPTIONS
--author Show author information. --help Show help about options. --help-all Show all options. --help-kde Show KDE specific options. --help-qt Show Qt specific options. --license Show license information. -v--version Show version information APPLICATION OPTIONS
file... The files with the scripts to run. USAGE
krossfile runs the script in file after loading the interpreter plugin for the script language (detected by filename suffix). To interpret other languages than KDE Javascript, kdebindings must be installed. SEE ALSO
kdeoptions(7), qtoptions(7), python(1), ruby(1), kjs(1), java(1), falcon(1) Look at for more information and tutorials. BUGS
There are probably tons of bugs. Use[1] to report them. AUTHOR
Sebastian Sauer <> Author. NOTES
1. 0.01.01 2008-10-22 KROSS(1)
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