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isohybrid(1) [centos man page]

isohybrid(1)						      General Commands Manual						      isohybrid(1)

isohybrid -- Post-process an ISO 9660 image generated with mkisofs or genisoimage to allow hybrid booting as a CD-ROM or as a hard disk. SYNOPSIS
isohybrid [OPTIONS] <boot.iso> DESCRIPTION
The isohybrid utility modifies a an ISO 9660 image generated with mkisofs, genisoimage, or compatible utilities, to be bootable as a CD-ROM or as a hard disk. OPTIONS
-h <X> Number of default geometry heads -s <X> Number of default geometry sectors -e <X>, --entry <X> Specify parititon entry number (1-4) -o <X>, --offset <X> Specify partition offset (default 0) -t <X>, --type <X> Specify MBR ID (default random) -u, --uefi Build EFI bootable image -m, --mac Add Apple File Protocol partition table support --forcehd0 Assume we are laoded as disk ID 0 --ctrlhd0 Assume disk ID 0 if the Ctrl key is pressed --partok Allow booting from within a partition -?, --help Display help -v, --verbose Display verbose output -V, --version Display version information SEE ALSO
mkisofs(1) isohybrid 17 Jan 2014 isohybrid(1)

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FDISK(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  FDISK(8)

fdisk - partition a hard disk [IBM] SYNOPSIS
fdisk [-hm] [-sn] [file] OPTIONS
-h Number of disk heads is m -s Number of sectors per track is n EXAMPLES
fdisk /dev/hd0 # Examine disk partitions fdisk -h9 /dev/hd0 # Examine disk with 9 heads DESCRIPTION
When fdisk starts up, it reads in the partition table and displays it. It then presents a menu to allow the user to modify partitions, store the partition table on a file, or load it from a file. Partitions can be marked as MINIX, DOS or other, as well as active or not. Using fdisk is self-explanatory. However, be aware that repartitioning a disk will cause information on it to be lost. Rebooting the sys- tem immediately is mandatory after changing partition sizes and parameters. MINIX, XENIX, PC-IX, and MS-DOS all have different partition numbering schemes. Thus when using multiple systems on the same disk, be careful. Note that MINIX, unlike MS-DOS , cannot access the last sector in a partition with an odd number of sectors. The reason that odd partition sizes do not cause a problem with MS-DOS is that MS-DOS allocates disk space in units of 512-byte sectors, whereas MINIX uses 1K blocks. Fdisk has a variety of other features that can be seen by typing h. Fdisk normally knows the geometry of the device by asking the driver. You can use the -h and -s options to override the numbers found. SEE ALSO
part(8). FDISK(8)
Man Page

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