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firewall-config(1) [centos man page]

FIREWALL-CONFIG(1)						  firewall-config						FIREWALL-CONFIG(1)

firewall-config - firewalld GUI configuration tool SYNOPSIS
firewall-config [OPTIONS...] DESCRIPTION
firewall-config is a GUI configuration tool for firewalld. OPTIONS
firewall-config does not support any special options. The only options that can be used are the general options that Gtk uses for Gtk application initialization. For more information on these options, please have a look at the runtime documentation for Gtk. The following options are supported: -h, --help Prints a short help text and exists. SEE ALSO
firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1), firewalld.conf(5),, firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5),, firewalld.zones(5) NOTES
firewalld home page at More documentation with examples: AUTHORS
Thomas Woerner <> Developer Jiri Popelka <> Developer firewalld 0.3.9 FIREWALL-CONFIG(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

FIREWALLD.CONF(5)						  firewalld.conf						 FIREWALLD.CONF(5)

firewalld.conf - firewalld configuration file SYNOPSIS
/etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf DESCRIPTION
firewalld.conf is loaded by firewalld during the initialization process. The file contains the basic configuration options for firewalld. OPTIONS
These are the options that can be set in the config file: DefaultZone This sets the default zone for connections or interfaces if the zone is not selected or specified by NetworkManager, initscripts or command line tool. The default zone is public. MinimalMark For some firewall settings several rules are needed in different tables to be able to handle packets in the correct way. To achieve that these packets are marked using the MARK target iptables(8) and ip6tables(8). With the MinimalMark option a block of marks can be reserved for private use; only marks over this value are used. The default MinimalMark value is 100. CleanupOnExit If firewalld stops, it cleans up all firewall rules. Setting this option to no or false leaves the current firewall rules untouched. The default value is yes or true. Lockdown If this option is enabled, firewall changes with the D-Bus interface will be limited to applications that are listed in the lockdown whitelist (see firewalld.lockdownwhitelist(5)). The default value is no or false. SEE ALSO
firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1), firewalld.conf(5),, firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5),, firewalld.zones(5) NOTES
firewalld home page at More documentation with examples: AUTHORS
Thomas Woerner <> Developer Jiri Popelka <> Developer firewalld 0.3.9 FIREWALLD.CONF(5)
Man Page

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