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pmlogcheck(1) [centos man page]

PMLOGCHECK(1)						      General Commands Manual						     PMLOGCHECK(1)

pmlogcheck - checks for invalid data in a PCP archive SYNOPSIS
pmlogcheck [-lz] [-n pmnsfile] [-S start] [-T finish] [-Z timezone] archive DESCRIPTION
pmlogcheck prints information about the nature of any invalid data which it detects in a PCP archive. Of particular interest are wrapped values for metrics which are expected to have monotonically increasing values. The archive has the base name archive and must have been previously created using pmlogger(1). Normally pmlogcheck operates on the default Performance Metrics Namespace (pmns(5)), however if the -n option is specified an alternative namespace is loaded from the file pmnsfile. The command line options -S and -T can be used to specify a time window over which metrics should be summarized. These options are common to many Performance Co-Pilot tools and are fully described in PCPIntro(1). The -l option prints the archive label, showing the log format version, the time and date for the start and (current) end of the archive, and the host from which the performance metrics values were collected. By default, pmlogcheck reports the time of day according to the local timezone on the system where pmlogcheck is run. The -Z option changes the timezone to timezone in the format of the environment variable TZ as described in environ(5). The -z option changes the time- zone to the local timezone at the host that is the source of the performance metrics, as specified in the label record of the archive log. OUTPUT FORMAT
For each metric having ``counter'' semantics (i.e. the metric is expected to increase monotonically) which has been detected as having wrapped at some point in the archive, pmlogcheck produces output describing the metric name (with instance identifiers where appropriate), the internal storage type for the metric, the value of the metric before the counter wrap (with its associated timestamp), and the value of the metric after the wrap (also with a timestamp). pmlogcheck produces two different timestamp formats, depending on the interval over which it is run. For an interval greater than 24 hours, the date is displayed in addition to the time at which the counter wrap occurred. If the extent of the data being checked is less than 24 hours, a more precise format is used (time is displayed with millisecond precision, but without the date). FILES
$PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns/* default PMNS specification files $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/hostname default directory for PCP archives containing performance data collected from the host hostname. PCP ENVIRONMENT
Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP. On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these variables. The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative configura- tion file, as described in pcp.conf(5). SEE ALSO
PCPIntro(1), pmdumplog(1), pmlogextract(1), pmlogger(1), pmlogmerge(1), pmlogsummary(1), pmval(1), pcp.conf(5), pcp.env(5) and pmns(5). DIAGNOSTICS
All are generated on standard error and are intended to be self- explanatory. Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMLOGCHECK(1)

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PMLOGLABEL(1)						      General Commands Manual						     PMLOGLABEL(1)

pmloglabel - check and repair a performance metrics archive label SYNOPSIS
pmloglabel [-Llsv] [-h hostname] [-p pid] [-V version] [-Z timezone] archive DESCRIPTION
pmloglabel verifies, reports on, and can modify all details of the labels in each of the files of a Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) archive log. The archive log has the base name archive and must have been previously created using pmlogger(1). Each of the files in a PCP archive (metadata, temporal index, and one or more data volumes) must contain a valid label at the start, else the PCP tools will refuse to open the archive at all. Thus, the primary function of pmloglabel is to be able to repair any inconsistent or corrupt label fields, such that the entire archive is not lost. It will not check the remainder of the archive, but it will give you a fighting chance to recover otherwise lost data. Together, pmloglabel and pmlogextract are able to produce a valid PCP archive from many forms of corruption. Note that if the temporal index is found to be corrupt, the "*.index" file can be safely moved aside and the archive will still be accessi- ble, however retrievals may take longer without the index. The options control the specific information to be reported, or the specific fields to be modified: -h Modify the logged hostname in the archive label, for all files in the archive. -l Dump out the archive label, showing the log format version, the time and date for the start and (current) end of the archive, and the host from which the performance metrics values were collected. -L Like -l, just a little more verbose, showing also the timezone and creator process identifier from the archive label. -p Set the process identifier stored in the archive label to pid, for all files in the archive. -s Rewrite the sentinel values which precede and follow the archive label, for all files in the archive. -v Verbose mode. Additional progress information is produced at each step. -V Stamp the version number into the magic number field at the start of the archive label, for all files in the archive. -Z Changes the timezone in the archive labels to timezone in the format of the environment variable TZ as described in environ(5). EXAMPLES
The following demonstrates the use of pmloglabel in finding and then correcting a corrupt field (PID) in the label of the temporal index of an archive named "20080125". $ pmdumplog -l 20080125 pmdumplog: Cannot open archive "20080125": Illegal label record at start of a PCP archive log file $ pmloglabel 20080125 Mismatched PID (5264/5011) between temporal index and data volume 0 $ pmloglabel -p 5264 20080125 $ pmdumplog -l 20080125 Log Label (Log Format Version 2) Performance metrics from host fw1 commencing Fri Jan 25 00:10:09.341 2008 ending Sat Jan 26 00:09:54.344 2008 EXIT STATUS
pmloglabel exits with status 0 if the archive labels are clean. If invoked incorrectly, the exit status will be 1. If corruption is detected and still exists at the end, the exit status will be 2. If requested to write out the archive labels, and some aspect of that write out fails, then the exit status will be 3. FILES
$PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/hostname Default directory for PCP archives containing performance metric values collected from the host hostname. PCP ENVIRONMENT
Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP. On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these variables. The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative configura- tion file, as described in pcp.conf(5). SEE ALSO
PCPIntro(1), pmlogcheck(1), pmlogextract(1), pmlogger(1), pmlogger_check(1), pmlogger_daily(1), pmlogrewrite(1), pcp.conf(5), and pcp.env(5). Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMLOGLABEL(1)
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