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makedev(8) [bsd man page]

MAKEDEV(8)						      System Manager's Manual							MAKEDEV(8)

makedev - make system special files SYNOPSIS
MAKEDEV is a shell script normally used to install special files. It resides in the /dev directory, as this is the normal location of spe- cial files. Arguments to MAKEDEV are usually of the form device-name? where device-name is one of the supported devices listed in section 4 of the manual and ``?'' is a logical unit number (0-9). A few special arguments create assorted collections of devices and are listed below. std Create the standard devices for the system; e.g. /dev/console, /dev/tty. The VAX-11/780 console floppy device, /dev/floppy, and VAX-11/750 and VAX-11/730 console cassette device(s), /dev/tu?, are also created with this entry. local Create those devices specific to the local site. This request causes the shell file /dev/MAKEDEV.local to be executed. Site spe- cific commands, such as those used to setup dialup lines as ``ttyd?'' should be included in this file. Since all devices are created using mknod(8), this shell script is useful only to the super-user. DIAGNOSTICS
Either self-explanatory, or generated by one of the programs called from the script. Use ``sh -x MAKEDEV'' in case of trouble. SEE ALSO
intro(4), config(8), mknod(8) 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 19, 1986 MAKEDEV(8)

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MAKEDEV(8)						      System Manager's Manual							MAKEDEV(8)

MAKEDEV, DESCRIBE - make/describe device files SYNOPSIS
MAKEDEV [-n] key ... DESCRIBE [device] ... DESCRIPTION
MAKEDEV may be used to create the device files normally found in the /dev directory. The key arguments are simply the names of the devices you want. MAKEDEV knows about all supported devices and will create them in the current directory with the proper owner and mode. For many devices MAKEDEV will not only create the device you want, but also the devices related to it that you will probably want too. Naming one floppy device will create all floppy devices for the same drive for instance. Call MAKEDEV without arguments to see a list of keys that it understands. Then use the -n flag to make the script echo the commands it will execute the next time when you call it without that flag. The special key std must be given alone to MAKEDEV. This key will create all standard devices. The command DESCRIBE will give you a one-line description of a given device. It will by default list all devices in /dev. SEE ALSO
mknod(8). BUGS
MAKEDEV's eagerness to create devices may cause many "File exists" errors from mknod. AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( MAKEDEV(8)
Man Page

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