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flcopy(8) [bsd man page]

ARFF(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   ARFF(8)

arff, flcopy - archiver and copier for floppy SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/arff [ key ] [ name ... ] /usr/sbin/flcopy [ -h ] [ -tn ] DESCRIPTION
Arff saves and restores files on VAX console media (the console floppy on the VAX 11/780 and 785, the cassette on the 11/730, and the con- sole RL02 on the 8600/8650). Its actions are controlled by the key argument. The key is a string of characters containing at most one function letter and possibly one or more function modifiers. Other arguments to the command are file names specifying which files are to be dumped or restored. The default options are correct for the RX01 floppy on the 780; for other console media, the f and m flags are required. Files names have restrictions, because of radix50 considerations. They must be in the form 1-6 alphanumerics followed by "." followed by 0-3 alphanumerics. Case distinctions are lost. Only the trailing component of a pathname is used. The function portion of the key is specified by one of the following letters: r The named files are replaced where found on the floppy, or added taking up the minimal possible portion of the first empty spot on the floppy. x The named files are extracted from the floppy. d The named files are deleted from the floppy. Arff will combine contiguous deleted files into one empty entry in the rt-11 direc- tory. t The names of the specified files are listed each time they occur on the floppy. If no file argument is given, all of the names on the floppy are listed. The following characters may be used in addition to the letter which selects the function desired. v The v (verbose) option, when used with the t function gives more information about the floppy entries than just the name. f causes arff to use the next argument as the name of the archive instead of /dev/floppy. m causes arff not to use the mapping algorithm employed in interleaving sectors around a floppy disk. In conjunction with the f option it may be used for extracting files from rt11 formatted cartridge disks, for example. It may also be used to speed up reading from and writing to rx02 floppy disks, by using the `c' device instead of the `b' device. It must be used with TU58 or RL02 media. c causes arff to create a new directory on the floppy, effectively deleting all previously existing files. Flcopy copies the console floppy disk (opened as `/dev/floppy') to a file created in the current directory, named "floppy", then prints the message "Change Floppy, hit return when done". Then flcopy copies the local file back out to the floppy disk. The -h option to flcopy causes it to open a file named "floppy" in the current directory and copy it to /dev/floppy; the -t option causes only the first n tracks to participate in a copy. FILES
/dev/floppy or /dev/rrx?? floppy (in current directory) SEE ALSO
crl(4), fl(4), rx(4), tu(4), rxformat(8) AUTHORS
Keith Sklower, Richard Tuck BUGS
Device errors are handled ungracefully. 4th Berkeley Distribution November 16, 1996 ARFF(8)

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fddisk(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 fddisk(8)

fddisk - FDI disk maintenance utility SYNOPSIS
/sbin/fddisk options special OPTIONS
Unless this option is specified, an attempt to format or to install a file system fails in two cases. The first failure occurs when the device has been opened since the media was inserted. The second failure occurs if the device is currently opened by another process. For- mats the media to the density appropriate for that media. Copies a hex dump of sector number PSN to stdout. Uses the interleave factor nnn for formatting. If specified, ccc indicates an additional intercylinder interleave. Copies a packed-C hex dump of the entire disk to stdout. Specifies silent mode. This option blocks informational messages from appearing on stderr. Reads the entire media. The command fails if the utility finds a bad sector. Waits for media to be inserted into the drive if none is present. Waits for new media to be inserted into the drive if none is present or if the current media has been opened since it was last inserted. Reads the disk and reports on the format of the disk. OPERANDS
Specifies an unmounted, raw device pathname. This device must be an FDI interface (fd). DESCRIPTION
The fddisk utility, an FDI (integrated Floppy Disk Interface) disk maintenance program, can format a floppy disk, scan a floppy disk for bad blocks, and read and write selected blocks. It can be used in shell scripts for checking the status of floppy disks. Such status checks include checking for or waiting for the presence of media, and checking for or waiting for the user to change the media. RESTRICTIONS
The fddisk utility has the following restrictions: You must have read/write access to the device. The device must not be mounted. The program can only be used with a 3.5-inch floppy disk in the RX26 drive. In some cases, it might not be possible to format a floppy disk at a higher density than it is already formatted. If this situation occurs, the floppy disk must be bulk erased before it can be reformatted at a higher density. EXAMPLES
This example formats a floppy disk in drive zero: # /sbin/fddisk -fmt /dev/rdisk/floppy0a This example formats a floppy disk in drive zero when the disk has been read or written since it was inserted into the drive: # /sbin/fddisk -fmt -f /dev/rdisk/floppy0a SEE ALSO
Commands: mount(8), restore(8), uerf(8) Files: fd(7) fddisk(8)
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