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ac(8) [bsd man page]

AC(8)							      System Manager's Manual							     AC(8)

ac - login accounting SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/ac [ -w wtmp ] [ -p ] [ -d ] [ people ] ... DESCRIPTION
Ac produces a printout giving connect time for each user who has logged in during the life of the current wtmp file. A total is also pro- duced. -w is used to specify an alternate wtmp file. -p prints individual totals; without this option, only totals are printed. -d causes a printout for each midnight to midnight period. Any people will limit the printout to only the specified login names. If no wtmp file is given, /usr/adm/wtmp is used. The accounting file /usr/adm/wtmp is maintained by init and login. Neither of these programs creates the file, so if it does not exist no connect-time accounting is done. To start accounting, it should be created with length 0. On the other hand if the file is left undis- turbed it will grow without bound, so periodically any information desired should be collected and the file truncated. FILES
/usr/adm/wtmp SEE ALSO
init(8), sa(8), login(1), utmp(5). 4th Berkeley Distribution November 16, 1996 AC(8)

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AC(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						     AC(8)

ac -- display connect time accounting SYNOPSIS
ac [-d | -p] [-t tty] [-w file] [users ...] DESCRIPTION
If the file /var/log/wtmp exists, a record of individual login and logout times are written to it by login(1) and init(8), respectively. The program ac examines these records and writes the accumulated connect time for all logins to the standard output. Options available: -d Display the connect times in 24 hour chunks. -p Display individual user totals. -t tty Only do accounting logins on certain ttys. The tty specification can start with '!' to indicate not this tty and end with '*' to indicate all similarly named ttys. Multiple -t flags may be specified. -w file Read raw connect time data from file instead of the default file /var/log/wtmp. users ... Display totals for the given individuals only. If no arguments are given, ac displays the total amount of login time for all active accounts on the system. The default wtmp file is an infinitely increasing file unless frequently truncated. This is normally done by the daily daemon scripts sched- uled by cron(8), which rename and rotate the wtmp files before truncating them (and keep about a week's worth on hand). No login times are collected, however, if the file does not exist. For example, ac -p -t "ttyd*" > modems ac -p -t "!ttyd*" > other allows times recorded in modems to be charged out at a different rate than other. The ac utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if a fatal error occurs. FILES
/var/log/wtmp connect time accounting file /var/log/wtmp.[0-7] rotated files SEE ALSO
login(1), utmp(5), init(8), sa(8) HISTORY
An ac command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. This version of ac was written for NetBSD 1.0 from the specification provided by various sys- tems' manual pages. BSD
April 19, 1994 BSD
Man Page

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