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ranlib(5) [bsd man page]

RANLIB(5)							File Formats Manual							 RANLIB(5)

ranlib - archive (library) table-of-contents format SYNOPSIS
#include <ranlib.h> DESCRIPTION
The archive table-of-contents command ranlib creates a table of contents for archives, containing object files, to be used by the link-edi- tor ld(1). It operates on archives created with the utility ar(1). The Ranlib function prepends a new file to the archive which has three separate parts. The first part is a standard archive header, which has a special name field, "__.SYMDEF". The second part is a ``long'' followed by a list of ranlib structures. The long is the size, in bytes, of the list of ranlib structures. Each of the ranlib structures consists of a zero based offset into the next section (a string table of symbols) and an offset from the beginning of the archive to the start of the archive file which defines the symbol. The actual number of ranlib structures is this number divided by the size of an individual ranlib structure. The third part is a ``long'' followed by a string table. The long is the size, in bytes of the string table. SEE ALSO
ar(1), ranlib(1) 4.3 Berkeley Distribution May 10, 1991 RANLIB(5)

Check Out this Related Man Page

RANLIB(1)						      General Commands Manual							 RANLIB(1)

ranlib - table-of-contents for archive libraries SYNOPSIS
ranlib [-t] file ... DESCRIPTION
Ranlib creates a table of external references for archive libraries, normally used by the loader, ld(1). This table is is named ``__.SYMDEF'' and is prepended to the archive. Files in the archive which are not executable and symbols which are uninteresting to the loader are ignored. The options are as follows: -t Set the modification time of the __.SYMDEF file. This time is compared by the loader with the modification time of the archive to verify that the table is up-to-date with respect to the archive. If the modification time has been changed without any change to the archive (for example, by a cp(1)), the -t option can be used to ``touch'' the modification time so that it appears that the ta- ble is up-to-date. FILES
/tmp default temporary file directory ranlib.XXXXXX temporary file names SEE ALSO
ar(1), ld(1), lorder(1), nm(1), ranlib(5) HISTORY
A ranlib command appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX. 4.3 Berkeley Distribution May 9, 1991 RANLIB(1)
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