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fgets(3s) [bsd man page]

GETS(3S)																  GETS(3S)

gets, fgets - get a string from a stream SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> char *gets(s) char *s; char *fgets(s, n, stream) char *s; FILE *stream; DESCRIPTION
Gets reads a string into s from the standard input stream stdin. The string is terminated by a newline character, which is replaced in s by a null character. Gets returns its argument. Fgets reads n-1 characters, or up through a newline character, whichever comes first, from the stream into the string s. The last charac- ter read into s is followed by a null character. Fgets returns its first argument. SEE ALSO
puts(3S), getc(3S), scanf(3S), fread(3S), ferror(3S) DIAGNOSTICS
Gets and fgets return the constant pointer NULL upon end of file or error. BUGS
Gets deletes a newline, fgets keeps it, all in the name of backward compatibility. 7th Edition May 15, 1985 GETS(3S)

Check Out this Related Man Page

GETS(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   GETS(3)

gets, fgets - get a string from a stream SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> char *gets(char *s) char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream) DESCRIPTION
Gets reads a string into s from the standard input stream stdin. The string is terminated by a newline character, which is replaced in s by a null character. Gets returns its argument. Fgets reads n-1 characters, or up through a newline character, whichever comes first, from the stream into the string s. The last charac- ter read into s is followed by a null character. Fgets returns its first argument. SEE ALSO
puts(3), getc(3), scanf(3), fread(3), ferror(3). DIAGNOSTICS
Gets and fgets return the constant pointer NULL upon end of file or error. BUGS
Gets deletes a newline, fgets keeps it, all in the name of backward compatibility. Gets is not present in the Minix-vmd C library for reasons that should be obvious. Use fgets instead. 7th Edition May 15, 1985 GETS(3)
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