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atanh(3m) [bsd man page]

ASINH(3M)																 ASINH(3M)

asinh, acosh, atanh - inverse hyperbolic functions SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double asinh(x) double x; double acosh(x) double x; double atanh(x) double x; DESCRIPTION
These functions compute the designated inverse hyperbolic functions for real arguments. ERROR (due to Roundoff etc.) These functions inherit much of their error from log1p described in exp(3M). On a VAX, acosh is accurate to about 3 ulps, asinh and atanh to about 2 ulps. An ulp is one Unit in the Last Place carried. DIAGNOSTICS
Acosh returns the reserved operand on a VAX if the argument is less than 1. Atanh returns the reserved operand on a VAX if the argument has absolute value bigger than or equal to 1. SEE ALSO
math(3M), exp(3M), infnan(3M) AUTHOR
W. Kahan, Kwok-Choi Ng 4.3 Berkeley Distribution May 12, 1986 ASINH(3M)

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asinh(3)						     Library Functions Manual							  asinh(3)

asinh, acosh, atanh - Compute inverse hyperbolic functions LIBRARY
Math Library (libm.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double asinh (double x); float asinhf (float x); long double asinhl (long double x); double acosh (double x); float acoshf (float x); long double acoshl (long double x); double atanh (double x); float atanhf (float x); long double atanhl (long double x); STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: asinh(): XPG4-UNIX acosh(): XPG4-UNIX atanh(): XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The asinh(), asinhf(), and asinhl() functions return the hyperbolic arc sine of x, in the range [-infinity, +infinity] where asinh(x) = ln(x + sqrt(x**2 + 1)). The asinh() function is the inverse function of sinh() where asinh(sinh(x)) = x. The acosh(), acoshf(), and acoshl() functions return the hyperbolic arc cosine of x, in the range [1, +infinity] where acosh(x) = ln(x + sqrt(x**2 - 1)). The acosh() function is the inverse function of cosh() where acosh(cosh(x)) = |x|. The atanh(), atanhf() and atanhl() functions return the hyperbolic arc tangent of x, in the range (-1, 1). The atanh() function is the inverse function of tanh() where atanh(tanh(x)) = x. The following table describes function behavior in response to exceptional arguments: --------------------------------------------------- Function Exceptional Argument Routine Behavior --------------------------------------------------- asinh() None N/A asinhf() None N/A asinhl() None N/A acosh() x<1 Invalid argument acoshf() x<1 Invalid argument acoshl() x<1 Invalid argument atanh() x>1 or x=1 Invalid argument atanhf() x>1 or x=1 Invalid argument atanhl() x>1 or x=1 Invalid argument --------------------------------------------------- delim off asinh(3)
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