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setgid(3) [bsd man page]

SETUID(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 SETUID(3)

setuid, seteuid, setruid, setgid, setegid, setrgid - set user and group ID SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> setuid(uid) seteuid(euid) setruid(ruid) uid_t uid, euid, ruid; setgid(gid) setegid(egid) setrgid(rgid) gid_t gid, egid, rgid; DESCRIPTION
Setuid (setgid) sets both the real and effective user ID (group ID) of the current process to as specified. Seteuid (setegid) sets the effective user ID (group ID) of the current process. Setruid (setrgid) sets the real user ID (group ID) of the current process. These calls are only permitted to the super-user or if the argument is the real or effective ID. SEE ALSO
setreuid(2), setregid(2), getuid(2), getgid(2) DIAGNOSTICS
Zero is returned if the user (group) ID is set; -1 is returned otherwise. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution May 12, 1986 SETUID(3)

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setuid(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 setuid(3)

       setuid, seteuid, setruid, setgid, setegid, setrgid - set user and group ID

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <unistd.h>

       uid_t uid;
       uid_t euid;
       uid_t ruid;

       gid_t gid;
       gid_t egid;
       gid_t rgid;

       The subroutine sets both the real and effective user ID of the current process to the ID specified.  Likewise, the subroutine sets the real
       and effective group ID of the current process to the ID specified.

       The subroutine sets the effective user ID of the current process, while the subroutine sets the effective group ID of the current process.

       The subroutine sets the real user ID of the current process, while the subroutine sets the real group ID of the current process.

       These calls are only permitted to the super-user or if the argument is the real or effective ID.

       When your program is compiled in POSIX or System V mode the following semantics apply when using the or functions:

       If the process is the super-user the real, effective, and saved set (as described in user/group ID are set to uid.

       If the process is not the super-user, but uid is equal to the real or the saved set user/group ID, the effective user/group ID  is  set	to
       uid.  The real and saved set user/group ID remain unchanged.

       In POSIX mode, the function returns a value of type uid_t. The function returns a value of type gid_t.

Return Values
       Zero is returned if the user ID or group ID is set; -1 is returned otherwise.

See Also
       setreuid(2), setregid(2), getuid(2), getgid(2)

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