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nfcomment(3) [bsd man page]

NFCOMMENT(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      NFCOMMENT(3)

nfcomment - a user interface to the notesfile system SYNOPSIS
nfcomment ( notesfile, text, title, dirflag, anonflag ) char *nfname, *text, *title; cc ... -lnfcom DESCRIPTION
Nfcomment provides user programs with the ability to insert notes into a notesfile. The note is inserted into the notesfile specified by nfname. Text is the address of the body of the note; this must be null-terminated. If text is NULL, the note is gathered from standard input until an EOF is encountered. The note is entered with the title specified by the title parameter. If the dirflag or anonflag parameters are non-zero, the director message is enabled or the note is entered anony- mously. These take effect only if the user has the appropriate priviledges in the notesfile. Nfpipe is used to make the actual insertion of the text. FILES
/usr/lib/libnfcom.a -lnfcom library SEE ALSO
nfpipe(1), notes(1), popen(3S), system(3), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois NFCOMMENT(3)

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NFPRINT(1)						      General Commands Manual							NFPRINT(1)

nfprint - Print the contents of a notesfile SYNOPSIS
nfprint [ -p ] [ -l# ] [ -d or -nd ] [ -c ] [ -t ] topic [ note-list ] DESCRIPTION
Nfprint gives the user the ability to print the contents of notesfiles. Nfprint writes to standard output. The text is formatted with pr(1). When the -c option is used, the output is filtered through cat(1) instead. The -l# parameter specifies the page length to use (66 lines/page is the default). By specifying -p, the printout is arranged so each base note starts on a new page. The -d and -nd options specify only notes with the director flag on or off respectively are to be printed. Use -t to generate a list of titles only; the text of notes and responses is suppressed. The note list is the set of notes which are to be printed. An example note list is: 1,30-36,13,10,42-50. FILES
/bin/pr Output filter /etc/passwd for the users name /etc/group for the users group(s) /usr/spool/notes the default notesfile data base SEE ALSO
notes(1), pr(1), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois NFPRINT(1)
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