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uulog(1c) [bsd man page]

UULOG(1C)																 UULOG(1C)

uulog - display UUCP log files SYNOPSIS
uulog [ -s sys ] [ -u user ] DESCRIPTION
Uulog queries a log of uucp(1C) and uux(1C) transactions in the file /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE. The options command uulog to print logging information: -ssys Print information about work involving system sys. -uuser Print information about work done for the specified user. FILES
/usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE SEE ALSO
uucp(1C), uux(1C). NOTES
Very early releases of UUCP used separate log files for each of the UUCP utilities; uulog was used to merge the individual logs into a mas- ter file. This capability has not been necessary for some time and is no longer supported. BUGS
UUCP's recording of which user issued a request is unreliable. Uulog is little more than an overspecialized version of grep(1). 4.3 Berkeley Distribution April 24, 1986 UULOG(1C)

Check Out this Related Man Page

UUXQT(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  UUXQT(8)

uuxqt - UUCP execution file interpreter SYNOPSIS
/usr/libexec/uuxqt [ -xdebug ] DESCRIPTION
Uuxqt interprets execution files created on a remote system via uux(1) and transferred to the local system via uucico(8). When a user uses uux to request remote command execution, it is uuxqt that actually executes the command. Normally, uuxqt is forked from uucico to process queued execution files; for debugging, it may also be run manually by the UUCP administrator. Uuxqt runs in its own subdirectory, /usr/spool/uucp/XTMP. It copies intermediate files to this directory when necessary. FILES
/etc/uucp/L.cmds Remote command permissions list /etc/uucp/USERFILE Remote directory tree permissions list /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE UUCP system activity log /usr/spool/uucp/LCK/LCK.XQT Uuxqt lock file /usr/spool/uucp/X./ Incoming execution file directory /usr/spool/uucp/XTMP Uuxqt running directory SEE ALSO
uucp(1), uux(1), L.cmds(5), USERFILE(5), uucico(8) 4.3 Berkeley Distribution October 23, 1996 UUXQT(8)
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