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vi(1) [bsd man page]

VI(1)							      General Commands Manual							     VI(1)

vi - screen oriented (visual) display editor based on ex SYNOPSIS
vi [ -t tag ] [ -r ] [ +command ] [ -l ] [ -wn ] name ... DESCRIPTION
Vi (visual) is a display oriented text editor based on ex(1). Ex and vi run the same code; it is possible to get to the command mode of ex from within vi and vice-versa. The Vi Quick Reference card and the Introduction to Display Editing with Vi provide full details on using vi. FILES
See ex(1). SEE ALSO
ex (1), edit (1), ``Vi Quick Reference'' card, ``An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi''. AUTHOR
William Joy Mark Horton added macros to visual mode and is maintaining version 3 BUGS
Software tabs using ^T work only immediately after the autoindent. Left and right shifts on intelligent terminals don't make use of insert and delete character operations in the terminal. The wrapmargin option can be fooled since it looks at output columns when blanks are typed. If a long word passes through the margin and onto the next line without a break, then the line won't be broken. Insert/delete within a line can be slow if tabs are present on intelligent terminals, since the terminals need help in doing this cor- rectly. Saving text on deletes in the named buffers is somewhat inefficient. The source command does not work when executed as :source; there is no way to use the :append, :change, and :insert commands, since it is not possible to give more than one line of input to a : escape. To use these on a :global you must Q to ex command mode, execute them, and then reenter the screen editor with vi or open. 3rd Berkeley Distribution April 29, 1985 VI(1)

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EX(1)							      General Commands Manual							     EX(1)

ex, edit - text editor SYNOPSIS
ex [ - ] [ -v ] [ -t tag ] [ -r ] [ +command ] [ -l ] name ... edit [ ex options ] DESCRIPTION
Ex is the root of a family of editors: edit, ex and vi. Ex is a superset of ed, with the most notable extension being a display editing facility. Display based editing is the focus of vi. If you have not used ed, or are a casual user, you will find that the editor edit is convenient for you. It avoids some of the complexi- ties of ex used mostly by systems programmers and persons very familiar with ed. If you have a CRT terminal, you may wish to use a display based editor; in this case see vi(1), which is a command which focuses on the display editing portion of ex. DOCUMENTATION
The document Edit: A tutorial (USD:14) provides a comprehensive introduction to edit assuming no previous knowledge of computers or the UNIX system. The Ex Reference Manual - Version 3.7 (USD:16) is a comprehensive and complete manual for the command mode features of ex, but you cannot learn to use the editor by reading it. For an introduction to more advanced forms of editing using the command mode of ex see the editing documents written by Brian Kernighan for the editor ed; the material in the introductory and advanced documents works also with ex. An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi (USD:15) introduces the display editor vi and provides reference material on vi. In addition, the Vi Quick Reference card summarizes the commands of vi in a useful, functional way, and is useful with the Introduction. FILES
/usr/share/misc/exstrings error messages /usr/libexec/exrecover recover command /usr/sbin/expreserve preserve command /etc/termcap describes capabilities of terminals ~/.exrc editor startup file /tmp/Exnnnnn editor temporary /tmp/Rxnnnnn named buffer temporary /usr/preserve preservation directory SEE ALSO
awk(1), ed(1), grep(1), sed(1), grep(1), vi(1), termcap(5), environ(7) AUTHOR
Originally written by William Joy Mark Horton has maintained the editor since version 2.7, adding macros, support for many unusual terminals, and other features such as word abbreviation mode. BUGS
The undo command causes all marks to be lost on lines changed and then restored if the marked lines were changed. Undo never clears the buffer modified condition. The z command prints a number of logical rather than physical lines. More than a screen full of output may result if long lines are present. File input/output errors don't print a name if the command line `-' option is used. There is no easy way to do a single scan ignoring case. The editor does not warn if text is placed in named buffers and not used before exiting the editor. Null characters are discarded in input files, and cannot appear in resultant files. 4th Berkeley Distribution October 21, 1996 EX(1)
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