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tr(1) [bsd man page]

TR(1)							      General Commands Manual							     TR(1)

tr - translate characters SYNOPSIS
tr [ -cds ] [ string1 [ string2 ] ] DESCRIPTION
Tr copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. Input characters found in string1 are mapped into the corresponding characters of string2. When string2 is short it is padded to the length of string1 by duplicat- ing its last character. Any combination of the options -cds may be used: -c complements the set of characters in string1 with respect to the universe of characters whose ASCII codes are 01 through 0377 octal; -d deletes all input characters in string1; -s squeezes all strings of repeated output characters that are in string2 to single characters. In either string the notation a-b means a range of characters from a to b in increasing ASCII order. The character `' followed by 1, 2 or 3 octal digits stands for the character whose ASCII code is given by those digits. A `' followed by any other character stands for that character. The following example creates a list of all the words in `file1' one per line in `file2', where a word is taken to be a maximal string of alphabetics. The second string is quoted to protect `' from the Shell. 012 is the ASCII code for newline. tr -cs A-Za-z '12' <file1 >file2 SEE ALSO
ed(1), ascii(7), expand(1) BUGS
Won't handle ASCII NUL in string1 or string2; always deletes NUL from input. 7th Edition April 29, 1985 TR(1)

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tr(1)							      General Commands Manual							     tr(1)

       tr - translate characters

       tr [-cds] [string1[string2]]

       The  command copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters.  Input characters found
       in string1 are mapped into the corresponding characters of string2.  When string2 is short it is padded to the length of string1 by  dupli-
       cating  its  last character.  Any combination of the options -cds may be used: -c complements the set of characters in string1 with respect
       to the universe of characters whose ASCII codes are 0 through 0377 octal; -d deletes all input  characters  in  string1;  -s  squeezes  all
       strings of repeated output characters that are in string2 to single characters.

       In  either string the notation a-b means a range of characters from a to b in increasing ASCII order.  The backslash character () followed
       by 1, 2 or 3 octal digits stands for the character whose ASCII code is given by those digits.  A  followed by any other  character  stands
       for that character.

       The  following  example creates a list of all the words in `file1' one per line in `file2', where a word is taken to be a maximal string of
       alphabetics.  The second string is quoted to protect  from the Shell.  012 is the ASCII code for newline.
       tr -cs A-Za-z '12' <file1 >file2

       -c   Translates complements:  string1 to those not in string1.

       -d   Deletes all characters in string1 from output.

       -s   Squeezes succession of a character in string1 to one in output.

       `', `0', and `00' are equivalent for NUL character.

       `12' is treated as octal 12 and not a NUL followed by characters 1 and 2.

See Also
       ed(1), ascii(7), expand(1)

Man Page

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