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symcompact(1) [bsd man page]

symcompact(1)						      General Commands Manual						     symcompact(1)

symcompact - string compaction for object files SYNOPSIS
symcompact [ object_name ... ] DESCRIPTION
symcompact reduces the symbol table size of an executable file. This is done by removing unnecessary overlay transfer vectors (text sym- bols beginning with a tilde). In a nonoverlaid program there is no need for both the underscore (_foo) and tilde (~foo) text symbol and only the underscore form is kept. For overlaid programs if the symbol is in the base segment the tilde form is not needed and again only the underscore form is preserved. Running symcompact typically reduces the kernel symbol table size by 250 or so symbols. It is possible to run both symcompact and strcompact to achieve an even higher degree of symbol and string table compaction. The normal sequence is to run symcompact first followed by strcompact. If symcompact runs out of memory it will be necessary to reverse the order and run symcompact a second time - see the BUGS note below. The user must have write permission to the object/executable file. symcompact writes to stderr the count of symbols removed from the symbol table. symcompact exits 0 if successful, and >0 if an error occurred. SEE ALSO
symcompact(1), symorder(1) BUGS
This program can partially negate the benefits of strcompact because multiple references to identical strings cause additional strings to be placed in the string table. Running strcompact again after running this program fixes this problem. The register local symbol type is removed from the executable/object file. Since the debugger really doesn't know how to deal with those symbols this is not much of a loss and saves quite a bit of space both in the symbol table and the string table. symcompact should not be run on .o files that will be passed to the linker. The linker will need the tilde form of the symbol if an over- laid executable is being created. 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 25, 1994 symcompact(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DBSYM(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  DBSYM(8)

dbsym -- copy kernel symbol table into db_symtab space SYNOPSIS
dbsym [-v] [-b bfdname] kernel DESCRIPTION
dbsym is used to copy the symbol table in a newly linked kernel into the db_symtab array (in the data section) so that the ddb(4) kernel debugger can find the symbols. This program is only used on systems for which the boot program does not load the symbol table into memory with the kernel. The space for these symbols is reserved in the data segment using a config option like: options SYMTAB_SPACE=72000 The size of the db_symtab array (the value of SYMTAB_SPACE) must be at least as large as the kernel symbol table. If insufficient space is reserved, dbsym will refuse to copy the symbol table. To recognize kernel executable format, the -b flag specifies BFD name of kernel. If the -v flag is given, dbsym will print out status information as it is copying the symbol table. Note that debugging symbols are not useful to the ddb(4) kernel debugger, so to minimize the size of the kernel, one should either compile the kernel without debugging symbols (no -g flag) or use the strip(1) command to strip debugging symbols from the kernel before dbsym is used to copy the symbol table. The command strip -d netbsd will strip out debugging symbols. SEE ALSO
strip(1), ddb(4) BSD
November 9, 2001 BSD
Man Page

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