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strcompact(1) [bsd man page]

strcompact(1)						      General Commands Manual						     strcompact(1)

strcompact - string compaction for object files SYNOPSIS
strcompact [ object_name ... ] DESCRIPTION
strcompact scans the symbol and string tables of an object file looking for multiple references in the symbol table to the same string. The string offset of symbol table entries is updated to preserve only one copy of the string. strcompact cut the size of the kernel string table by about 25%. The user must have write permission to the object/executable file. strcompact writes to stderr the number of shared strings found. strcompact exits 0 if successful, and >0 if an error occurred. SEE ALSO
sort(1), symcompact(1), symorder(1), uniq(1) BUGS
Execution speed leaves much to be desired - on a 11/73 it takes about 4 minutes to process the string table of the kernel. Fortunately this is only done once when the kernel is created. Although strcompact may be run on .o files as well as executables but this is probably not worth the trouble since the linker will not cre- ate shared strings in the final executable. 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 25, 1994 strcompact(1)

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ldgetname(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      ldgetname(3)

ldgetname - Retrieve symbol name for object file symbol table entry SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> #include <filehdr.h> #include <sym.h> #include <ldfcn.h> char *ldgetname (ldptr, symbol) LDFILE * ldptr ; pSYMR * symbol ; DESCRIPTION
The ldgetname routine returns a pointer to the name associated with symbol. The pointer is returned as a string in a static buffer. Because the buffer can be overwritten by later calls to ldgetname, the caller must copy the buffer if the name is to be saved. If the name cannot be retrieved, ldgetname returns NULL (defined in <stdio.h>) for an object file. This occurs when: The string table can- not be found The name's offset into the string table is beyond the end of the string table Typically, ldgetname is called immediately after a successful call to ldtbread. Ldgetname retrieves the name associated with the symbol ta- ble entry filled by ldtbread. The program must be loaded with the object file access routine library libmld.a. [Tru64 UNIX] For C++, ldgetname returns the demangled name. RELATED INFORMATION
ldclose(3), ldopen(3), ldtbseek(3), ldtbread(3), ldfcn(4). delim off ldgetname(3)
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