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pnews(1) [bsd man page]

PNEWS(1)						      General Commands Manual							  PNEWS(1)

Pnews - a program for posting news articles SYNOPSIS
Pnews newsgroup title or Pnews -h headerfile [oldarticle] or Pnews DESCRIPTION
Pnews is a friendly interface for posting news articles. It will ask several questions, then allow you to enter your article, and then post it using the inews(1) program. If you type h and a carriage return at any point, Pnews will tell you what it wants to know. The -h form is used when invoked from rn. If your editor can edit multiple files, and you want the article to which you are replying to show up as an alternate file, define the environment variable NEWSPOSTER as "Pnews -h %h %A". You can also modify the the NEWSHEADER envi- ronment variable to change the header file that rn passes to Pnews. ENVIRONMENT
AUTHORCOPY If defined, contains the name of a file to which the finished article will be appended. Default: article not saved DOTDIR Where to find your dot files, if they aren't in your home directory. This is primarily for accounts which are shared by more than one person. Default: $HOME EDITOR The editor you want to use, if VISUAL is undefined. Default: whatever your news administrator installed, usually vi. HOME Your home directory. Default: $LOGDIR LOGDIR Your home directory if HOME is undefined. LOGNAME Your login name, if USER is undefined. Default: value of "whoami". NAME Your full name. Default: name from /etc/passwd, or ~/.fullname. ORGANIZATION Either the name of your organization, or the name of a file containing the name of your organization. Default: whatever your news administrator chose. USER Your login name. Default: $LOGNAME VISUAL The editor you want to use. Default: $EDITOR FILES
$DOTDIR/.article ~/dead.article SEE ALSO
rn(1), Rnmail(1), inews(1) DIAGNOSTICS
Not the speediest program in the world, but maybe that's a blessing to the net. LOCAL PNEWS(1)

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RNMAIL(1)						      General Commands Manual							 RNMAIL(1)

Rnmail - a program for replying via mail SYNOPSIS
Rnmail destination_list or Rnmail -h headerfile [oldarticle] or Rnmail DESCRIPTION
Rnmail is a friendly interface for mailing replies to news articles. It will ask several questions, then allow you to enter your letter, and then mail it off. If you type h and a carriage return at any point, Rnmail will tell you what it wants to know. The -h form is used when invoked from rn. If your editor can edit multiple files, and you want the article to which you are replying to show up as an alternate file, define the environment variable MAILPOSTER as "Rnmail -h %h %A". You can also modify the the MAILHEADER environment variable to change the header file that rn passes to Rnmail. ENVIRONMENT
DOTDIR If defined, specifies a place other than your home directory where 'dot' files may be stored. This is primarily for accounts which are shared by more than one person. Default: $HOME EDITOR The editor you want to use, if VISUAL is undefined. Default: whatever your news administrator installed, usually vi. HOME Your home directory. Default: $LOGDIR LOGDIR Your home directory if HOME is undefined. LOGNAME Your login name, if USER is undefined. Default: value of "whoami". MAILRECORD If defined, contains the name of a file to which the finished message will be appended. Default: message not saved ORGANIZATION Either the name of your organization, or the name of a file containing the name of your organization. Default: whatever your news administrator chose. USER Your login name. Default: $LOGNAME VISUAL The editor you want to use. Default: $EDITOR FILES
$DOTDIR/.letter ~/dead.letter SEE ALSO
rn(1), Pnews(1), mail(1) DIAGNOSTICS
Uses /bin/mail in the absence of sendmail. LOCAL RNMAIL(1)
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