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nfstats(1) [bsd man page]

NFSTATS(1)						      General Commands Manual							NFSTATS(1)

nfstats - Print statistics about Notesfiles SYNOPSIS
nfstats [ -s ] topic [ ... ] DESCRIPTION
Nfstats prints usage statistics for notesfiles. This program takes a list of notesfiles and lists their statistics on standard output. If more than one notesfile is specified, an aggregate set of statistics is also produced. Specify -s to have only this aggregate report printed and the individual reports suppressed. BUGS
Notes sent to two sites are counted as ``networked out'' twice. Sequencing past an idle notesfile isn't counted as an entry. This is a mixed blessing. Not keeping this statistic greatly improves per- formance. FILES
/etc/passwd for the users name /etc/group for the users group /usr/spool/notes the default notesfile data base SEE ALSO
notes(1), nfcomment(3), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois NFSTATS(1)

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NFPRINT(1)						      General Commands Manual							NFPRINT(1)

nfprint - Print the contents of a notesfile SYNOPSIS
nfprint [ -p ] [ -l# ] [ -d or -nd ] [ -c ] [ -t ] topic [ note-list ] DESCRIPTION
Nfprint gives the user the ability to print the contents of notesfiles. Nfprint writes to standard output. The text is formatted with pr(1). When the -c option is used, the output is filtered through cat(1) instead. The -l# parameter specifies the page length to use (66 lines/page is the default). By specifying -p, the printout is arranged so each base note starts on a new page. The -d and -nd options specify only notes with the director flag on or off respectively are to be printed. Use -t to generate a list of titles only; the text of notes and responses is suppressed. The note list is the set of notes which are to be printed. An example note list is: 1,30-36,13,10,42-50. FILES
/bin/pr Output filter /etc/passwd for the users name /etc/group for the users group(s) /usr/spool/notes the default notesfile data base SEE ALSO
notes(1), pr(1), The Notesfile Reference Manual AUTHORS
Ray Essick (uiucdcs!essick, Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL Rob Kolstad (kolstad@convex.UUCP) CONVEX Computer Corporation Richardson, TX University of Illinois NFPRINT(1)
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