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mmd(1) [bsd man page]

MMD(1)							      General Commands Manual							    MMD(1)

mmd - make an MSDOS subdirectory SYNOPSIS
mmd [ -v ] msdosdirectory [ msdosdirectories... ] DESCRIPTION
Mmd makes a new directory on an MSDOS filesystem. Mmd will allow the following command line option: v Verbose mode. Display the new directory name if the name supplied is invalid. Reasonable care is taken to create a valid MSDOS directory name. If an invalid name is specified, mmd will change the name (and display the new name if the verbose mode is set). An error occurs if the directory already exists. MSDOS subdirectory names are supported with either the '/' or '' separator. The use of the '' separator or wildcards will require the directory name to be enclosed in quotes to protect it from the shell. The mcd command may be used to establish the device and the current working directory (relative to MSDOS), otherwise the default is A:/. SEE ALSO
mcd(1), mrd(1) BUGS
Allows multiple arguments, which does not follow the MSDOS convention. local MMD(1)

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MCOPY(1)						      General Commands Manual							  MCOPY(1)

mcopy - copy MSDOS files to/from Unix SYNOPSIS
mcopy [ -tnvm ] sourcefile targetfile mcopy [ -tnvm ] sourcefile [ sourcefiles... ] targetdirectory DESCRIPTION
Mcopy copies the specified file to the named file, or copies multiple files to the named directory. The source and target can be either MSDOS or Unix files. The use of a drive letter designation on the MSDOS files, 'a:' for example, determines the direction of the transfer. A missing drive des- ignation implies a Unix file whose path starts in the current directory Mcopy will allow the following command line options: t Text file transfer. Mcopy will translate incoming carriage return/line feeds to line feeds. n No warning. Mcopy will not warn the user when overwriting an existing file. v Verbose mode. m Preserve the file modification time. If the target file already exists, and the -n option is not in effect, mcopy asks whether or not to overwrite the file. MSDOS subdirectory names are supported with either the '/' or '' separator. The use of the '' separator or wildcards will require the names to be enclosed in quotes to protect them from the shell. The mcd command may be used to establish the device and the current working directory (relative to MSDOS), otherwise the default is A:/. SEE ALSO
mcd(1), mread(1), mwrite(1) BUGS
Unlike MSDOS, the destination directory may not be omitted. The '+' operator (append) from MSDOS is not supported. No other Mtools command requires the use of a drive letter designation on MSDOS files. local MCOPY(1)
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