Linux and UNIX Man Pages

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man(1) [bsd man page]

MAN(1)							      General Commands Manual							    MAN(1)

man - print out the manual SYNOPSIS
man [ - ] [ -a ] [ -M path ] [ section ] title ... DESCRIPTION
Man is the program which provides on-line access to the UNIX manual. If a section specifier is given, man looks in that section of the manual for the given title(s). Section is either an Arabic section number (``3'' for example), or one of the words ``local'', ``new,'' or ``old''. (The abbreviations ``l'', ``n'', and ``o'' are also allowed.) If section is omitted, man searches all sections of the manual, giving preference to commands over library subroutines, and displays the first manual page it finds, if any. If the -a option is supplied, man displays all applicable manual pages. Normally man checks in standard locations (/usr/man and /usr/local/man) for manual information. This can be changed by supplying a search path (a la the Bourne shell) with the -M flag. The search path is a colon (``:'') separated list of directories in which man expects to find the standard manual subdirectories. This search path can also be set with the environmental variable MANPATH. Since some manual pages are intended for use only on certain machines, man only searches those directories applicable to the current machine. Man's determination of the current machine type can be overridden by setting the environmental variable MACHINE. If the standard output is a teletype, and the - flag is not provided, man uses more(1), or the pager provided by the environmental variable PAGER, to display the manual page. The FORTRAN version of section 3 of the manual may be specified by supplying man with the section ``3f''. Also, a specific section of the local manual may be specified by appending a number to the section, i.e. ``l5'' would indicate section 5 of the local manual. FILES
/usr/man standard manual area /usr/man/cat?/* directories containing standard manual pages /usr/local/man/cat?/* directories containing local manual pages /usr/src/man directories containing unformatted manual pages SEE ALSO
apropos(1), more(1), whatis(1), whereis(1) BUGS
The manual is supposed to be reproducible either on the phototypesetter or on a typewriter, however, on a typewriter, some information is necessarily lost. 4th Berkeley Distribution April 19, 1988 MAN(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CATMAN(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 CATMAN(8)

catman - create the cat files for the manual SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/catman [ -p ] [ -n ] [ -w ] [ -M path ] [ sections ] DESCRIPTION
Catman creates the preformatted versions of the on-line manual from the nroff input files. Each manual page is examined and those whose preformatted versions are missing or out of date are recreated. If any changes are made, catman will recreate the whatis database. If there is one parameter not starting with a `-', it is taken to be a list of manual sections to look in. For example catman 123 will cause the updating to only happen to manual sections 1, 2, and 3. Options: -n prevents creations of the whatis database. -p prints what would be done instead of doing it. -w causes only the whatis database to be created. No manual reformatting is done. -M updates manual pages located in the set of directories specified by path (/usr/man by default). Path has the form of a colon (`:') separated list of directory names, for example `/usr/local/man:/usr/man'. If the environment variable `MANPATH' is set, its value is used for the default path. If the nroff source file contains only a line of the form `.so manx/yyy.x', a symbolic link is made in the catx directory to the appropri- ate preformatted manual page. This feature allows easy distribution of the preformatted manual pages among a group of associated machines with rdist(1). The nroff sources need not be distributed to all machines, thus saving the associated disk space. As an example, consider a local network with 5 machines, called mach1 through mach5. Suppose mach3 has the manual page nroff sources. Every night, mach3 runs catman via cron(8) and later runs rdist with a distfile that looks like: MANSLAVES = ( mach1 mach2 mach4 mach5 ) MANUALS = (/usr/man/cat[1-8no] /usr/man/whatis) ${MANUALS} -> ${MANSLAVES} install -R; notify root; FILES
/usr/man default manual directory location /usr/man/man?/*.* raw (nroff input) manual sections /usr/man/cat?/*.* preformatted manual pages /usr/man/whatis whatis database /usr/sbin/makewhatis command script to make whatis database SEE ALSO
man(1), cron(8), rdist(1) BUGS
Acts oddly on nights with full moons. The need for catman(8) is almost but not quite gone. Most of the manpages have been moved out of /usr/src/man into the sourcecode hierar- chy. The recreation of the whatis database is the main use of catman now. 4th Berkeley Distribution October 23, 1996 CATMAN(8)
Man Page