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apropos(1) [bsd man page]

APROPOS(1)						      General Commands Manual							APROPOS(1)

apropos - locate commands by keyword lookup SYNOPSIS
apropos keyword ... DESCRIPTION
Apropos shows which manual sections contain instances of any of the given keywords in their title. Each word is considered separately and case of letters is ignored. Words which are part of other words are considered; thus, when looking for compile, apropos will find all instances of `compiler' also. Try apropos password and apropos editor If the line starts `name(section) ...' you can do `man section name' to get the documentation for it. Try `apropos format' and then `man 3s printf' to get the manual on the subroutine printf. Apropos is actually just the -k option to the man(1) command. FILES
/usr/man/whatis data base SEE ALSO
man(1), whatis(1), catman(8) AUTHOR
William Joy 7th Edition June 5, 1986 APROPOS(1)

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apropos(1)							   User Commands							apropos(1)

apropos - locate commands by keyword lookup SYNOPSIS
apropos keyword... DESCRIPTION
The apropos utility displays the man page name, section number, and a short description for each man page whose NAME line contains keyword. This information is contained in the /usr/share/man/windex database created by catman(1M). If catman(1M) was not run, or was run with the -n option, apropos fails. Each word is considered separately and the case of letters is ignored. Words which are part of other words are considered; for example, when looking for `compile', apropos finds all instances of `compiler' also. apropos is actually just the -k option to the man(1) command. EXAMPLES
Example 1: To find a man page whose NAME line contains a keyword Try example% apropos password and example% apropos editor If the line starts `filename(section) ...' you can run man -s section filename to display the man page for filename. Example 2: To find the man page for the subroutine printf() Try example% apropos format and then example% man -s 3s printf to get the manual page on the subroutine printf(). FILES
/usr/share/man/windex table of contents and keyword database ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWdoc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |Enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
man(1), whatis(1), catman(1M), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
/usr/share/man/windex: No such file or directory This database does not exist. catman(1M) must be run to create it. SunOS 5.10 20 Dec 1996 apropos(1)
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Please give me an alternate command for apropos on HP. Thanks in advance shilpa (1 Reply)
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apropos not working

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problems with apropos

I believe my apropos command is corrupt. Every time i invoke it the following happens... please see attached png file. Is there a way for me to reinstall or rebuild the apropos command? However, when I log on as a different user everything seems ok I am currently running Free BSD (OS X) ... (3 Replies)
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