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gcore(1) [bsd man page]

GCORE(1)						      General Commands Manual							  GCORE(1)

gcore - get core image of running process SYNOPSIS
gcore [-s][-c core] pid DESCRIPTION
gcore creates a core image of each specified process, suitable for use with adb(1). By default the core image is written to the file <pid>.core. The options are: -c Write the core file to the specified file instead of <pid>.core. -s Stop the process while creating the core image and resume it when done. This makes sure that the core dump will be in a consistent state. The process is resumed even if it was already stopped. Of course, you can obtain the same result by manually stopping the process with kill(1). The core image name was changed from core.<pid> to <pid>.core to prevent matching names like core.h and core.c when using programs such as find(1). FILES
<process-id>.core The core image. BUGS
If gcore encounters an error while creating the core image and the -s option was used the process will remain stopped. Swapped out processes and system processes (the swapper) may not be gcore'd. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution April 15, 1994 GCORE(1)

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gcore(1)                                                           User Commands                                                          gcore(1)

gcore - get core images of running processes SYNOPSIS
gcore [-pgF] [-o filename] [-c content] process-id... DESCRIPTION
The gcore utility creates a core image of each specified process. By default, the name of the core image file for the process whose process ID is process-id will be core.process-id. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -c content Produces core image files with the specified content. The content description uses the same tokens as in coreadm(1M). The -c option does not apply to cores produced due to the -p or -g flags. -F Force. Grabs the target process even if another process has control. -g Produces core image files in the global core file repository with the global content as configured by coreadm(1M). The com- mand will fail if the user does not have permissions to the global core file repository. -o filename Substitutes filename in place of core as the first part of the name of the core image files. filename can contain the same tokens to be expanded as the paths in coreadm(1M). -p Produces a core image file in the process-specific location with the process-specific content for each process as config- ured by coreadm(1M). The command will fail if the user does not have permissions to the per-process core file repository. OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: process-id process ID EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 On success. non-zero On failure, such as non-existent process ID. FILES
core.process-id core images ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWtoo | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |See below. | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ Command Syntax is Evolving. Output Format(s) are Unstable. SEE ALSO
kill(1), coreadm(1M), setrlimit(2), core(4), proc(4), attributes(5) NOTES
gcore is unaffected by the setrlimit(2) system call using the RLIMIT_CORE value. SunOS 5.10 11 Feb 2004 gcore(1)
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