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explain(1) [bsd man page]

DICTION(1)						      General Commands Manual							DICTION(1)

diction, explain - print wordy sentences; thesaurus for diction SYNOPSIS
diction [ -ml ] [ -mm ] [ -n ] [ -f pfile ] file ... explain DESCRIPTION
Diction finds all sentences in a document that contain phrases from a data base of bad or wordy diction. Each phrase is bracketed with [ ]. Because diction runs deroff before looking at the text, formatting header files should be included as part of the input. The default macro package -ms may be overridden with the flag -mm. The flag -ml which causes deroff to skip lists, should be used if the document con- tains many lists of non-sentences. The user may supply her/his own pattern file to be used in addition to the default file with -f pfile. If the flag -n is also supplied the default file will be suppressed. Explain is an interactive thesaurus for the phrases found by diction. SEE ALSO
deroff(1) BUGS
Use of non-standard formatting macros may cause incorrect sentence breaks. In particular, diction doesn't grok -me. 7th Edition May 10, 1986 DICTION(1)

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STYLE(1)						      General Commands Manual							  STYLE(1)

style - analyze surface characteristics of a document SYNOPSIS
style [ -ml ] [ -mm ] [ -a ] [ -e ] [ -l num ] [ -r num ] [ -p ] [ -P ] file ... DESCRIPTION
Style analyzes the surface characteristics of the writing style of a document. It reports on readability, sentence length and structure, word length and usage, verb type, and sentence openers. Because style runs deroff before looking at the text, formatting header files should be included as part of the input. The default macro package -ms may be overridden with the flag -mm. The flag -ml, which causes deroff to skip lists, should be used if the document contains many lists of non-sentences. The other options are used to locate sentences with certain characteristics. -a print all sentences with their length and readability index. -e print all sentences that begin with an expletive. -p print all sentences that contain a passive verb. -lnum print all sentences longer than num. -rnum print all sentences whose readability index is greater than num. -P print parts of speech of the words in the document. SEE ALSO
deroff(1), diction(1) BUGS
Use of non-standard formatting macros may cause incorrect sentence breaks. 7th Edition April 29, 1985 STYLE(1)
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