Originally Posted by Irish Jimmy
I have Mandriva Linux, and I need help...
What does ./ mean?
as in ./flashplayer-inastaller
Just to give more info
A period is a shortcut for the current directory. Two periods is a shortcut for the parent directory or one directory closer to the root directory (aka /). If you type
ls . you'll get a listing of the current directory. If you type
ls .., you'll get a listing of your parent directory.
When you run a command such as flashplayer-installer, your shell will prepend each of the colon separated paths located in your PATH environment variable to the beginning of your command.
So the command won't run because the location where the flashplayer-installer is installed isn't in your path.
Most professional sysadmins don't have period in their path to keep from someone putting a trojaned script with the same name as an available command in a directory you may be currently working in. Although some installations (AIX for example) have period in the path by default.
So if the command isn't in your path, you need to specify it along with the command.
You could type /home/jimmy/flashplayer-installer and the command would run, or you can just use the shortcut for the current directory and type in:
I try to do the "teach a man to fish" vs "give him a fish" replies
You might pick up Essential System Administration or UNIX System Administration Handbook. They'll be a big help.