I don't know this special case, but extracting a tar-ball archive will usually have a version number in it's path/directory name and this is good.
What you refer to is that when it is finally installed, after something like
it should not contain version numbers in the path. From the most software I have configured and installed this way, they were not using a version number neither in the path nor in the final binary.
I suggest you either try this on a test box and check if after the make install there is anything not ok with version names showing up somewhere OR you type ./configure --help and see if there is some --prefix=<somedestinationpathyouspecify> you can use to tell it at which destination it should be installed.
Dear all experts,
I have a environment with 2 web, 2 apps and 2 db servers. Recently after I have patch the AIX O/S from 5300-11-02 to 5300-12-02, we found that the number of httpd processes increase largely. From originally 4 fix httpd processes become more than 600 processes. And it already... (1 Reply)
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. I am super-paranoid, so am trying to limit what PHP files can be executed on this server. I have a small list of files that I want to allow. The rest, deny:
<Files ~ "\.(php|php3)$">
order allow,deny
deny from all
I... (0 Replies)
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. I am super-paranoid, so am trying to limit what PHP files can be executed on this server. I have a small list of files that I want to allow. The rest, deny. So I have base rule that denies all php files server-wide: order allow,deny ... (0 Replies)
I'm posting for help here, because I'll be honest I've reached the end of my tether, hopefully someone can give me some assistance and help me maintain a level of sanity...
I maintain a number of webservers on RHEL 5 64Bit (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)), the... (2 Replies)
I'd like to know if servername in apache httpd.conf is the machine name or domain name. If it is domain name like example.com, should it be registered before in use? (1 Reply)
What options should I use with ./configure to include mod_dav into the build? I use --enable-dav and I didn't see mod_dav.so anywhere in the build directory. I need to load mod_dav.so as a module during httpd startup.
Thanks. (1 Reply)
Hi everybody,
I have installed Apache 2 + Tomcat 5.5. on Ubuntu 7.04 and the default httpd.conf is empty (0 lines), however there is a file called apache2.conf that looks like a default httpd.conf.
I didn't use Apache in ages, since 1.3.x release, but I remember that the httpd.conf by default... (2 Replies)