waht's resume password for router

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Special Forums IP Networking waht's resume password for router
# 1  
Old 09-19-2002
Java waht's resume password for router

I want discuss several subjects about resume router password,we take about cisco.
resume process :

<1>router boot-strap,press Ctrl£«Break in 30 second.
<2>input command£º ">o/r 0x142".
<3>router have been initialization
<4>system restat,screen is showing system configure
dialog box :
"system configuraiton to get started?£¬input "no",system display¡°Press RETURN to get started! "£¬press¡°Return"£¬
system display¡°Router>"¡£
<5>input command in order
"Router>enable"enter into root status(system don't need root's password.)£»¡°Router££show startup£­config"showing configure parameter£¬very important,you rember password on the screen,you can input enable serect "changepassword"changed
root's password.
<6>input command to resume register
"Router(config)££config£­reg 0x2102" £»
<7>restart router£¬at once £º¡°Router££reload"¡£


# 2  
Old 09-20-2002
OK, back to Unix now...
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