Connect to RAS callback server: route problem

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Special Forums IP Networking Connect to RAS callback server: route problem
# 15  
Old 10-04-2007
So, as I stated in my first post, you've ended up that some wrong settings in pppd's callback option file could prevent the communication with the remote network even if the link seems correctly established?

And what about the routing table on the Windows client after the connection (1b)? How could work a table like that, where the default gw is the IP address of the client? I'm very confused Smilie

Thanks for the patience Smilie
# 16  
Old 10-04-2007
It was worth trying to go through each point step by step. You seem to be doing all the right things.

I've used Linux to Windows RAS successfully before but not using the callback option.

When in doubt try the simplest configuration possible, but here it looks like the Windows RAS box has no desire to send you anything, that's why I think you need somebody at the RAS server end to assist you.
# 17  
Old 10-04-2007
Originally Posted by robotronic
How could work a table like that, where the default gw is the IP address of the client?
Because the link is point-to-point? All a default gateway is doing is saying, if you don't know where else to send it, put it here. The ppp driver will get the outgoing packet, see the IP is not for itself and know the only place to put it is down the wire.
# 18  
Old 10-04-2007
I will try playing around with the options and test if a minimal configuration file could get me connected... I'm a bit reluctant to ask windows guys what's happening at the server end, because I'm sure they will pay me no attention and simply say "Hey, use Windows: it's better and simpler!". Eheheh, but there's always a first time, maybe I will try Smilie

Meanwhile, I will post my options file. I think to start looking at the second phase of the connection, where the server calls me back. I hope that the first phase is right, otherwise why the server should recall me??
Maybe you can see immediately something wrong with that and guide me to a solution Smilie

localhost ppp # cat options.callback
connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/'
asyncmap 0
mrru 1614
name mylogin
remotename RASServer

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help.
# 19  
Old 10-04-2007
Have you got another Windows box locally with, say, Windows 2000 Server, which has a RAS Server? Then you could throw a serial cable between the two and have a play with that.
# 20  
Old 10-05-2007
I have another XP Pro on my LAN, and I've seen that the options for configuring incoming connections are exactly the same as in Windows Server 2003... But I don't remember if I have a serial cable Smilie
For sure, I have a parallel cable which I used in the past. Does this kind of cable works the same as the serial cable with pppd or not?
# 21  
Old 10-05-2007
You do need a serial cable, and disconnect your box from the LAN so your Linux box must be doing everything over the serial link.

You may need what's called a "null-modem" which swaps the tx and rx wires over, and also a "gender-bender".
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