8 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. IP Networking
Q: "Does Cisco 1921 router support,, act as an endpoint for, site to site VPNs using IPSec? If so, how many? "
A: If you get the Cisco 1921/k9 with the security services bundle then it will have built in security features. Cisco, typically includes IP Sec tunnels I believe as part of that... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: Ayaerlee
0 Replies
2. IP Networking
Hey everyone,
I have a few question.
1. Is it possible to display cisco 'show run' output command to the application ??
2. And is there any ways to log in to the router instead of using telnet from telnet application???
Thanks in advance (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: franzramadhan
0 Replies
3. IP Networking
Hello all,
I have set up dhcpd on a linux box for serving subnets on multiple vlans configured on a Cisco 6500 with ip helper of the dhcp server. Servers get dhcp leases just fine, however, some machines lose their connection for reboot or what not and I can not get their lease back even though... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: closedown
0 Replies
4. IP Networking
Does anyone know where I can find configuration information on setting up
a dial in VPN on Cicso IOS for a bunch of servers.
Could not seem to find anything in search engines.
Thanks (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: photon
0 Replies
5. IP Networking
I have a zebra router configured....which is working correctly......But I want zebra to not send the data to multicast address directly only to my IP...Is there a way to do this....I read that in NBMA networks the message are not sent to the multicast address.
Any idea or any... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: cosmic_egg
2 Replies
6. IP Networking
Dear All,
I have worked with xDSL routers working in bridged mode, and linux behind them working as a Firewall utilizing IPTABLES. My question is, how this will change if the xDSL router is replaced with a Cisco Router?
I mean to ask that, can I assign a public ip on the linux machine, which... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: tmm
0 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
Please help, i will telnet to router to obain the ping status and compare, if higher than normal latency, i will have further action..
if i do the telent and in perl script then ....
e.g the result i obtain from the router will be =' Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: optimus
4 Replies
8. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hi All,
I am connected to a cisco router and I want to know the hostname of this router.
I connect as telnet <IPADDRESS>
and the prompt shows
But I want to know the full hostname of the router how can i do that.
When i type the hostname command the following... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: rahulrathod
3 Replies
MRINFO(8) System Manager's Manual MRINFO(8)
mrinfo - Displays configuration info from a multicast router
/usr/sbin/mrinfo [ -d debug_level ] [ -r retry_count ] [ -t timeout_count ] multicast_router
mrinfo attempts to display the configuration information from the multicast router multicast_router.
mrinfo uses the ASK_NEIGHBORS IGMP message to the specified multicast router. If this multicast router responds, the version number and a
list of their neighboring multicast router addresses is part of that response. If the responding router has a recent multicast version num-
ber, then mrinfo requests additional information such as metrics, thresholds, and flags from the multicast router. Once the specified mul-
ticast router responds, the configuration is displayed to the standard output.
"-d" option sets the debug level. When the debug level is greater than the default value of 0, addition debugging messages are printed.
Regardless of the debug level, an error condition, will always write an error message and will cause mrinfo to terminate. Non-zero debug
levels have the following effects:
level 1
packet warnings are printed to stderr.
level 2
all level 1 messages plus notifications down networks are printed to stderr.
level 3
all level 2 messages plus notifications of all packet timeouts are printed to stderr.
"-r retry_count" sets the neighbor query retry limit. Default is 3 retry.
"-t timeout_count" sets the number of seconds to wait for a neighbor query reply. Default timeout is 4 seconds.
mrinfo mbone.phony.dom.net (mbone.phony.dom.net) [version 3.3]: - (?) [1/1/querier] - (mbone2.phony.dom.net) [1/45/tunnel] - (momoney.com) [1/32/tunnel/down] - (mbone.dipu.edu) [1/32/tunnel]
For each neighbor of the queried multicast router, the IP of the queried router is displayed, followed by the IP and name of the neighbor.
In square brackets the metric (cost of connection), the threshold (multicast ttl) is displayed. If the queried multicast router has a newer
version number, the type (tunnel, srcrt) and status (disabled, down) of the connection is displayed.
mrinfo must be run as root.
mrouted(8), map-mbone(8), mtrace(8)
Van Jacobson
4.2 Berkeley Distribution MRINFO(8)