Problem with memory leak

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Operating Systems HP-UX Problem with memory leak
# 1  
Old 01-22-2008
Problem with memory leak

This is my 1st post here. I am facing a rather weired problem. I have a C++ binary running on HP-UX. The output of top as well as glance shows periodic increase in memory. But when i use gdb to detect it, i dont get the desired output...gdb leaks found. Just to mention that I have used gdb earlier to track memory leaks and it is quite efficient in that. But now , even though the memory keeps increasing, i dnt get any leak info from gdb.
It will be really great if someone can provide some help...or atleast tell me where i can get help.

# 2  
Old 01-22-2008
Perhaps valgrind can help you.
# 3  
Old 05-25-2009
It could be a static member


First use valgrind to check what's up.

if valgrind does not show anything then the reason could be similar to that:

You have a collection or what ever at the main() and new objects are added to that collection endlessly. When you push your process to exit that collection releases everything and no leak at the end. But while the process is working the collection grows endless.

Unfortunately you could check it if you have the source code.

Best Regards
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