I executed the glance command as vbe suggested, but Iīve found an inconvenient:
The command is:
and it displays the nex screen:
Attached file: glance01.png
Thatīs correct, but the problem is glance needs the PID Number to can display the info, like this:
Attached file: glance02.png
That works when I need the info of one PID.
But when there is a lot of process running and they are changing of PID the best [only I guess] solution is with a script.
Until now I cannot specify the PID in the command line:
Any ideas?
you could try
and put down in your syntax file what you request mine had only:
for testing someonequestion on this forum...
Did you look at ps command ? Im thinking of the "extented" :
for virtual memory usage...
I have AIX processes something as below, how to know the resources consumption group by process pattern "price" and "devdb"?
price 20% 250M 5%
devdb 30% 1000M 8%
oracle 2990122 1 0 10:33:39 - 0:00... (1 Reply)
Hi All
what is the command to check process ids , which are running from long time and which are consuming more cpu?
Also how to check, what a particular PID is running what
For Ex:
i have a pid :3223722 which is running since from long time,
if i want to check what is this... (1 Reply)
I use linux OS.
I've already written a function that allow me to get the process name by pid. (searching in /proc). Now I'd like to perform the inverse task.I mean get the process pid by its name.
I could write a function that search in every folder in /proc for the process name, but i... (2 Replies)
Hi all,
i was able to redirect pid of process to a file in the following way
ps aux|awk '$11 == "/Applications/ProjectX/DServer" >> /Applications/ProjectX/DServer.pid
it works fine but if one folder name caontains space its not working like below
ps aux|awk '$11 == "/Applications/Project\... (1 Reply)
I have written a shell script to find and kill the particular process. Here in shell script i have written the code like
cnt = $(ps -ef | grep Shree)
echo $cnt
I am getting the output
root 2326 2317 0 14:39:46 pts/1 0:28 Shree -f fdc.fbconf FDCapp.fbapp
Here I want to... (2 Replies)
I need to get the pid of a process and have to store the pid in a variable and i want to use this value(pid) of the variable for some process. Please can anyone tell me how to get the pid of a process and store it in a variable. please help me on this.
Thanks in advance,
Amudha (7 Replies)
I'm assuming that using the PS command would tell me about processes running. But how can I target a process that is taking up too many resources, and slowing down the system. Even an orphan process. (5 Replies)
Hi Expert,
Can anyone tell what command can list the resources used for each process in AIX, including the following columns:
Process ID, Program Name, Resources used(CPU,RAM,SWAP),Start Time
Victor Cheung (3 Replies)
hi all,
Is there a simple script anyone could through out to me, to find the pid of a process given the name. I actually need to bind this pid to a processor set. I would probably put these comamns in a shell script which would have.
a) kick start the executable
b) get the pid
c) bind it to a... (10 Replies)
Hi Friends :p
I have a little problem please help me out. I have a Unix based OS Sun Server having oracle 8i as database on it. The server has one client with windows OS. The client uses developer 2000 (GUI) to run query and run processes. I want to know how can I know the PID of a process run... (3 Replies)