I am trying to get last 5 business day .
for d in Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
date +%Y%m%d -d "last $d"
gives me date
Thu Oct 20 23:56:26 EDT 2016
expected output should be
20161020 (2 Replies)
Hi guys i need advice on the approach to this one......
I have a file say called
i need to work out from the date 20130524 what day of the week that was and then process the file in 3 working days. (so not counting saturday or sunday....(will not worry about bank... (2 Replies)
One of my Unix scripts needs to look for files coming in on Fridays. This script runs on Mondays. $date +"%y%m%d" will give me today's date. How can I get previous Friday's date.. can I do "today's date minus 3 days" to get Friday's date? If not, then any other way?? Name of the files is... (4 Replies)
Hey - I need to write a shell script that gives a message on Fridays and a countdown on other business days. ("Today is Thursday, one day to go to Friday") I don't know if I should be scheduling a job for friday using the crontab command? Basically i'm totally lost. Any help would be greatly... (6 Replies)
Hello, is it possible to schedule cron jobs using business days instead of calendar days? I need to run several jobs on first and third business days of the month. I currently have this cron-tab entry which runs every week day at 5 AM. I need to schedule the same job on the 3rd Business day of the... (8 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I was working some time ago n was in need to calculate date 30/31 days from today including Feb (Leap yr stuff). Today date is variable depending on day of execution of script. I tried searching but was not able to get exactly what I needed....So at that I time I implemented by my own... (3 Replies)