Thank you everyone for the advice and guidance you shared to me. it gives a lot of ideas to me on how build my script.
Actually, the script ran too long maybe because I didn't command commit after I delete data in table before I run the import script. After I command commit then I run the script and it very fast to complete. Linux
But I cannot confirm also if that was the caused that the script ran too long.
---------- Post updated at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:40 PM ----------
I have encounter another problem hopefully can advice me on the issue.
I successful export data from oracle but I put into TABLE.DEL file.
then I used TABLE.DEL to import into db2.
Not all data was successful import into db2, the other data was rejected.
results below:
Is the issue was during the export? Because supposedly during export should be the file .dmp and I change into .DEL?
Please advice me..
Last edited by rbatte1; 01-25-2017 at 06:45 AM..
Reason: Added CODE tags for output and corrected spellings/case/etc.
The file name you choose should not make any difference to your export or import commands. They are pretty much just a label to find the data. There is no inference on the 'bit after the dot' like with Windows or other GUI does, but there is nothing really to it. If you go to DOS under Windows, they just become files. Perhaps a .bat or .exe is still special, but that's about it.
Would they have been rejected because they had a duplicate constraint? It's difficult to know without seeing the data exported, the data in the target table and the constraints (unique indices, foreign keys etc.)
Actually, the table that I'm tried to import the data is empty. you can check also the attached text file for the error messages I found during import. most of the error are because of truncated.
so you mean, there is no problem in my export data from oracle which was changed into *.del instead of using default *.dmp.
is my import script is correct? or there something wrong/ missing that why it was truncated?
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
are the oracle dump files compatible to direct import into db2?
I already tried many times but it always truncated results.
anyone can help/ advice or suggest?
2. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms:
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db2 "EXPORT TO '/cardpro/brac/v5/dev/dat/AAAAA.DEL' OF DEL select * FROM AAAAA"
db2 "EXPORT TO... (3 Replies)
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pgp -kx myuser _myuser_public
pgp -kx myuser _myuser_private secring.skr
(this is from the pgp installation directory that contains secring.skr).
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ie vi
extra unix commands
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read f1
export f1
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getfacl /bla/dir1 | setfacl -f - /bla/dir2
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... (3 Replies)
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On SunOS 5.8
remote-host:/Volumes/webdata - /export/home/webdata nfs - yes rw,vers=3,soft,intr,bg,timeo=600
In /etc/auto_direct:
/home/science $HOST:/export/home/webdata/science
/home/science-edu ... (2 Replies)