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But when it come to booting an image that I created, it just doesn't work. I have tried creating an image with only the grub files, and qemu does not seem to even recognize the image as a bootable image.
Please tell us exactly how you're running qemu, word for word, letter for letter, keystroke for keystroke.
There's more to using grub than just putting the files on it. How did you install grub? again: word for word, letter for letter, keystroke for keystroke.
You might also be putting the files one dir in too deep, boot/grub/ instead of just grub/. I often see people make a symlink boot -> . so they can put them directly in grub, letting either option work.
For that matter, I can't remember ever seeing grub used in a situation without partitions, and I'm not sure where to proceed on that. You might do better to get an image for a working grub floppy, or perhaps a USB booting thing, then modify it to your needs.