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4.) The OS's I've been considering are RedHat Linux, Fedora Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Solaris, and BSD. Given the information I gave in the last post (about being a developer and whatnot), should I cross any of these off the list, or should I add any new ones to the list?
You won't learn a thing about linux running ubuntu, its far too convincing a windows ripoff. (As if in homage, its system requirements are almost equally horrendous, too.) And Redhat linux is closed-source now, Fedora is the open-source fork of the last open thing they had.
For a developer distro, I'd recommend Gentoo -- the only distro I know of where you can do "emerge xorg-x11" and
have xorg-x11, headers and all without needing x11-dev, xorg-x11-dev, x11-headers, x11-drivers-headers, x11-kitchensink-headers, and three million others to complete the set before compiling X things will actually work. It also lets you install multiple versions of gcc and switch between them seamlessly. Installing Gentoo the old-fashioned way from the Gentoo Handbook is a crash-course in linux down to the bones.
I've also heard good things about SuSe. It apparently provides a decent developer environment. But again it has the millions-of-unguessable-developer-dependencies-package problem.