Recover deleted partition

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# 1  
Old 08-08-2011
Recover deleted partition


I have got 2 hdds (2x Seagate 7200.12, 500GB).
I had two RAID volumes on them:
1: 100GB RAID0 (strip)
2: ~415GB RAID1 (mirror)
due to problems with matrix I removed RAID0 and RAID1 - i thougth that all data from RAID1 would be available.
Unfortunately it is not.

On 1 disk I set up two OSes (linux Fedora and Windows 7)
Second disk is untouched.

Don't you have any idea how to recover my data from RAID1 partition?
# 2  
Old 08-08-2011
Um, how do you set up two different raid volumes on two disks?

I can think of several ways, and all of them are bad.

First of all, di you have a recovery CD or DVD? Knoppix Linux has
An excellent one, but there are plenty out there. Boot into it. Can you see one or both disks' partition tables? Is the RAID 1 volume
On it's own primary partition on each disk?
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# 3  
Old 08-08-2011
Well, that was standard intel RAID controler (onboard) I used to set up RAIDs on two 7200.12s.

I got Ubuntu live CD and may have any other distro - knoppix is no problem.

Under ubuntu I see whole hdd without any partition (under gparted, whole space is visible as 'unallocated'), do not know how to look into partition tables.

"Um, how do you set up two different raid volumes on two disks?"
After entering Intel Raid Option ROM I have 4 possibilities:
1. Create RAID Volume
2. Delete RAID Volume
3. Set disk to non-raid
4. Exit

After selecting 1. Create RAID Volume I can choose which RAID (1 or 0), how much space, and which HDDs.
If I make RAID0 sized 100GB I can select '1. Create RAID Volume' again and create another RAID Volume as long as space is available.
That way I created 2 Volumes (RAID0: 100GB, and RAID1 ~ 415GB).

On RAID0 I had about 4 partitions (linux home, linux root, boot, windows 7) and on RAID1 I had only 1 partition (ntfs).

Now I used 'testdisk' to find my lost partitions - without success. It found only 2 linux partitions without any files.
I do not want to recover any files from RAID0 - it is not possible.
But recovering from RAID1 should be easy...
# 4  
Old 08-08-2011
My friend, you have chosen the wrong forum. Your quest continues at the altar of Intel support. I wish you luck.
# 5  
Old 08-24-2011
i think is no solution for this
# 6  
Old 08-24-2011
By any chance if you have older partition structure, please recreate partitions with same block size. There is good amount of chance that you will get your data back.
Please make sure you are not running newfs/format on newly created partitions.

I have tested this approach on metaset/ODS volumes on solaris. In that case, I was able to recreate partition using o/p of metastat -p. Not tested on NTFS.

Other approach is to go with some recovery softwares to recover data in NTFS file system.
# 7  
Old 08-24-2011
His metadata is stored on blocks reserved by the Intel RAID controllers. Without knowing more about his hardware & firmware, ordinary software here is not going to be of help.
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