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Special Forums Cybersecurity xinetd.conf
# 1  
Old 01-21-2002
MySQL xinetd.conf

i want to edit inetd.conf for security on my redhat 7.1 box, but i dont have it in my /etc directory, rather, i have xinetd.conf. Can i use xinetd.conf for the same purpose, is it as useful as inetd.conf?
# 2  
Old 01-21-2002
It's close to the samething, but a little different if you go into xinetd.d you will find files for your inetd services. You can turn them on or off there or a flags to the server commands ect......
# 3  
Old 01-21-2002
Many people use xinetd vs. inetd because xinetd has a few more features. However, lots of folks (including me) are doing just fine with inetd ..... You may use either one or the other (not both)....
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