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Why would someone continually try to access the https port for months on end 100s of times an hour when clearly they must see they are being denied access to the server?
Iptables is not perfect and even when you use DROP rather than REJECT a port scanner can tell that DROP is in use by doing a SYN scan. If a server is on the port the SYN will get an ACK, otherwise it gets a RST. So the bad guy knows that he is getting nailed by a DROP rule and there is a live server being protected by the DROP rule. So he sets up an infinite loop trying to connect.
He hopes you will someday have a problem, wonder if iptables is causing it, and try dropping iptables just for a few seconds. Or maybe you will change your configuration and do a quick "service iptables restart". Most iptable configs allow ESTABLISHED connections to persist so once he connects... he is in.