1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Prepare a report discussing from an administration and security perspective, role and function of a JavaScript within a UNIX network. You should illustrate your answer with practical examples. In particular attention should me paid to... (1 Reply)
It's an online con that is growing fast and stealing tens of millions of dollars.
An e-mail seemingly from a financial institution instructs you to log on to a legitimate-looking Web site. Such “phishing” attacks exploit a universal weakness in online security: passwords.
To read the rest of... (0 Replies)
I've recently registered for the site and have found it very useful thus far. However, I am a student currently researching network attacks, specifically, denial of services and the damage posed to operating systems. If you have any information about this topic, please send to me.
Thanks,... (1 Reply)
Could anyone direct me to any sites that have any info on unix attcks or hacks in the last 5 years. This is needed for an assignment. All help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks:) (6 Replies)