I have an old Pentium box pieced together from parts, and the 2G hard drive in it is showing signs of a coming death. I have purchased an 8G HD to replace the old one, and I plan to install NetBSD 1.6.1.
The machine is to be used as a home server, with
- Mail handled as fetchmail -> sendmail -> cyrus (currently its only function) and sendmail -> ISP
- print server (small load --- just a silly inkjet for home use)
- File repository via NFS and Samba.
I also want to be able to do kernel/OS compiles so I can keep up with security patches, etc. I'll be the only user logging in --- and that only for admin duties --- while my wife and kids will be using only the network services provided by this machine.
On the current 2G drive, I have 1G for /var (which seems to be where cyrus is depositing mail) .25G for /, .5G for /usr, .25G for /home (currently not being mounted because several sectors there are bad and prevent booting if it's mounted --- the first sign of trouble with the drive). My question is this:
What partitioning do you recommend for the 8G HD?