sysback end of tpae

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Operating Systems AIX sysback end of tpae
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Old 11-07-2007
sysback end of tpae

We are currently using AIX sysback for our backups and I have a script that kicks off the backups daily. We just had the problem with the tape filling up and hanging the script. I want to add a test to my script to listen for the End of Tape error or tape full error. I can't find any information on an End of tape signal. We are using an automatic tape library. Basically I want the following;

if [[ end of tape == True ]]
eject tape
load 2nd tape
increment tape counter
Any ideas on how to listen for end of tape?
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STOREBACKUPDEL(1)					User Contributed Perl Documentation					 STOREBACKUPDEL(1)

NAME - this program deletes backups created by storeBackup SYNOPSIS [-f configFile] [--print] [-b backupDirectory] [-S series] [--doNotDelete] [--deleteNotFinishedDirs] [-L lockFile] [--keepAll timePeriod] [--keepWeekday entry] [--keepFirstOfYear] [--keepLastOfYear] [--keepFirstOfMonth] [--keepLastOfMonth] [--keepFirstOfWeek] [--keepLastOfWeek] [--keepDuplicate] [--keepMinNumber] [--keepMaxNumber] [-l logFile [--plusLogStdout] [--suppressTime] [-m maxFilelen] [[-n noOfOldFiles] | [--saveLogs] [--compressWith compressprog]] WARNING
--file, -f configuration file (instead of parameters) --print print configuration read from configuration file and stop --backupDir, -b top level directory of all backups (must exist) --series, -S directory of backup series same parameter as in storeBackup / relative path from backupDir, default is 'default' --lockFile, -L lock file, if exists, new instances will finish if an old is already running, default is $lockFile --doNotDelete test only, do not delete any backup --deleteNotFinishedDirs delete old backups which where not finished this will not happen if doNotDelete is set --keepAll keep backups which are not older than the specified amount of time. This is like a default value for all days in --keepWeekday. Begins deleting at the end of the script the time range has to be specified in format 'dhms', e.g. 10d4h means 10 days and 4 hours default = $keepAll; --keepWeekday keep backups for the specified days for the specified amount of time. Overwrites the default values chosen in --keepAll. 'Mon,Wed:40d Sat:60d10m' means: keep backups of Mon and Wed 40days + 5mins keep backups of Sat 60days + 10mins keep backups of the rest of the days like spcified in --keepAll (default $keepAll) if you also use the 'archive flag' it means to not delete the affected directories via --keepMaxNumber: a10d4h means 10 days and 4 hours and 'archive flag' e.g. 'Mon,Wed:a40d Sat:60d10m' means: keep backups of Mon and Wed 40days + 5mins + 'archive' keep backups of Sat 60days + 10mins keep backups of the rest of the days like specified in --keepAll (default $keepAll) --keepFirstOfYear do not delete the first backup of a year format is timePeriod with possible 'archive flag' --keepLastOfYear do not delete the last backup of a year format is timePeriod with possible 'archive flag' --keepFirstOfMonth do not delete the first backup of a month format is timePeriod with possible 'archive flag' --keepLastOfMonth do not delete the last backup of a month format is timePeriod with possible 'archive flag' --firstDayOfWeek default: 'Sun'. This value is used for calculating --keepFirstOfWeek and --keepLastOfWeek --keepFirstOfWeek do not delete the first backup of a week format is timePeriod with possible 'archive flag' --keepLastOfWeek do not delete the last backup of a week format is timePeriod with possible 'archive flag' --keepDuplicate keep multiple backups of one day up to timePeriod format is timePeriod, 'archive flag' is not possible default = $keepDuplicate; --keepMinNumber Keep that miminum of backups. Multiple backups of one day are counted as one backup. Default is 10. --keepMaxNumber Try to keep only that maximum of backups. If you have more backups, the following sequence of deleting will happen: - delete all duplicates of a day, beginning with the old once, except the oldest of every day - if this is not enough, delete the rest of the backups beginning with the oldest, but *never* a backup with the 'archive flag' or the last backup --keepRelative, -R Alternative deletion scheme. If you use this option, all other keep options are ignored. Preserves backups depending on their *relative* age. Example: -R '1d 7d 2m 3m' will (try to) ensure that there is always - One backup between 1 day and 7 days old - One backup between 5 days and 2 months old - One backup between 2 months and 3 months old If there is no backup for a specified timespan (e.g. because the last backup was done more than 2 weeks ago) the next older backup will be used for this timespan. --logFile, -l log file (default is STDOUT) --plusLogStdout if you specify a log file with --logFile you can additionally print the output to STDOUT with this flag --suppressTime suppress output of time in logfile --maxFilelen, -m maximal length of file, default = 1e6 --noOfOldFiles, -n number of old log files, default = 5 --saveLogs save log files with date and time instead of deleting the old (with [-noOldFiles]) --compressWith compress saved log files (e.g. with 'gzip -9') default is 'bzip2' COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2003-2008 by Heinz-Josef Claes (see README). Published under the GNU General Public License v3 or any later version perl v5.14.2 2012-06-16 STOREBACKUPDEL(1)