does AIX run on x86 or x64?

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Operating Systems AIX does AIX run on x86 or x64?
# 8  
Old 10-18-2007
Originally Posted by mr_manny
does anyone run AIX 3 on pre-INTEL macs?
That won't work because even if this would be the right processor you would still lack the correct BIOS.

What you could run on pre-Intel Macs though is Linux/PPC. A collegue of mine is using his iBook as a dual-boot system with MacOS and Linux/PPC. He is satisfied with the results, but as far as i remember he had to tinker a bit until got everything working nicely.

# 9  
Old 10-18-2007
Originally Posted by Zerotronic
So while searching on the internet i came across the following screenshots which i believe (correct me if i'm wrong) show an aix environment in a "WINDOWS" window on someone's pc.
Looks like it may be an Xterminal onto a real box.
# 10  
Old 10-18-2007
for what I want to learn (including SA stuff), looks like an ebay RS6000 box is the way to go.

remember not to bid against me Smilie
# 11  
Old 10-18-2007
Don't forget to get AIX on CD-ROM.
# 12  
Old 10-22-2007
if you have time for a (possibly tough) setup, take a look at the "pearpc" emulator.

good luck, and success !
alexandre botao
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