Our AIX servers send e-mails which have the "from" address set to "root@company.com" for our root user ("C{M}company.com" in /etc/sendmail.cf). The problem is that when bad e-mails are sent out or rejected by remote servers, they are being returned and delivered to e-mail box of "Mary Root".
How can I change/alias/masquerade out going e-mails to look like they are coming from "root.admin@company.com" when root sends e-mails?
I'm using "mailx" in almost all of my scripts so instead of changing each one of them individually, I'd rather setup something in the sendmail.cf to change "root" to "root.admin".
---------- Post updated at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:44 AM ----------
I think we figured it out.
First create your genericstable.db file
Then add this to the sendmail.cf:
If the "Kgenerics" entry was not already in sendmail.cf, sendmail will need to be restarted:
Hi 2 all,
i have had AIX 7.2
:/# /usr/IBMAHS/bin/apachectl -v
Server version: Apache/2.4.12 (Unix)
Server built: May 25 2015 04:58:27
:/#:/# /usr/IBMAHS/bin/apachectl -M
Loaded Modules:
core_module (static)
so_module (static)
http_module (static)
mpm_worker_module (static)
... (3 Replies)
System : opensuse leap 42.3
I have a bash script that build a text file.
I would like the last command doing :
print_cmd -o page-left=43 -o page-right=22 -o page-top=28 -o page-bottom=43 -o font=LatinModernMono12:regular:9 some_file.txt
where :
print_cmd ::= some printing... (1 Reply)
How to use "mailx" command to do e-mail reading the input file containing email address, where column 1 has name and column 2 containing “To” e-mail address
and column 3 contains “cc” e-mail address to include with same email.
Sample input file, email.txt
Below is an sample code where... (2 Replies)
I have a bunch of random character lines like ABCEDFG. I want to find all lines with "A" and then change any "E" to "X" in the same line. ALL lines with "A" will have an "X" somewhere in it. I have tried sed awk and vi editor. I get close, not quite there. I know someone has already solved this... (10 Replies)
Hi Experts,
I have a string with colon delimited, want 2nd colon to be changed to a pipe.
I am trying with sed, but can change only 1 occurance:
echo "101:8:43:4:72:14:41:69:85:3:137:4:3:0:4:0:9:3:0:3:12:3:" | sed 's/:/|/2'... (5 Replies)
I have line in input file as below:
My expected output for line in the file must be :
Can someone... (7 Replies)
could someone pls enlighten me on the difference between the "root" package and "usr" package?
Like in this example:
pkginfo -l SUNWGtku | grep -i desc
DESC: GTK - The GIMP Toolkit (Usr)
pkginfo -l SUNWGtkr | grep -i desc
DESC: GTK - The GIMP Toolkit (Root)... (6 Replies)
Hi Friends,
Can any of you explain me about the below line of code?
mn_code=`env|grep "..mn"|awk -F"=" '{print $2}'`
Im not able to understand, what exactly it is doing :confused:
Any help would be useful for me.
Lokesha (4 Replies)
I've written a script which allows me to send mails in different formats with different attaches. Now I still want to add a feature to this script. My users would like to be able to receive a "read" or "delivered" receipt for their mails.
The script send mails on behalve of an specific... (1 Reply)