Need to get process details

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Operating Systems AIX Need to get process details
# 1  
Old 12-16-2013
Need to get process details


Below are the list of files

ls -lrt
total 16
lr-x------   43 oracle   dba               0 Dec  5 14:27 root -> /
lr-x------    2 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 00:14 cwd -> /prodoragridcn_01/app/oracle/product/11203/dbs/
-r--r--r--    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 sysent
-r--------    1 oracle   dba            1520 Dec 16 07:30 status
-r--------    1 oracle   dba           12288 Dec 16 07:30 sigact
-r--r--r--    1 oracle   dba             448 Dec 16 07:30 psinfo
dr-x------    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 object
-r--------    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 mmap
-r--------    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 map
dr-xr-xr-x    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 lwp
dr-x------    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 fd
--w-------    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 ctl
-r--------    1 oracle   dba             128 Dec 16 07:30 cred
-rw-------    1 oracle   dba               0 Dec 16 07:30 as


Please help me with how to analyse about this process that from where is it is originating and what it's doing?

Best regards,
# 2  
Old 12-16-2013
you can use

command to identify whihc process/processes is/are using .please see man page of the command for further details

man fuser

# 3  
Old 12-16-2013
Originally Posted by Vishal_dba
Below are the list of files
Please help me with how to analyse about this process
I have marked bold the relevant parts above. Care to tell us what you mean? A file listing ist not a process and a process is not a list of files. So, what do you want to know?

I hope this helps.

# 4  
Old 12-17-2013
try also proctreecommand.

it liste the list of your process and where they from
# 5  
Old 01-05-2014

The list of files are listing of /proc/process_id

Is there a file in this listing which can help us give the details for a process?

Best regards,
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