Cron jobs with same pid

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Operating Systems AIX Cron jobs with same pid
# 1  
Old 12-09-2013
Cron jobs with same pid


I have an AIX6.1 machine and i noticed something "strange" in the server.
I noticed that each day there are times where 2 or 3 different cron jobs are running with same process id. How can this happen? I thought that pid is always unique for each process.
Is it a problem having this behaviour or not?

Thank you
# 2  
Old 12-09-2013
Could you give an example? E.g. relevant parts of your cron log?
What is your current maxpid? (Give value of ps -e | awk '$1+0>m {m=$1} END {print m}')
# 3  
Old 12-09-2013
an example is the following:
informix  : CMD ( /home/login/UTILITIES/CRONscripts/semscript.ids_logs_backupYEASE ) : PID ( 18481404 ) : Sun Dec  8 02:35:00 2013
Cron Job with pid: 18481404 Successful
root      : CMD ( /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/run_ssa_healthcheck 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) : PID ( 18481404 ) : Sun Dec  8 15:00:00 2013
Cron Job with pid: 18481404 Failed

the value of the command that you wrote is 34734274
# 4  
Old 12-09-2013
So long as they're not running at the same time (and all child processes have terminated) then it's not a problem.

iirc, AIX uses a randomised allocation scheme for PIDs, so you may get PIDs recycled before they wrap.

EDIT: Some more discussion

Last edited by CarloM; 12-09-2013 at 08:52 AM..
This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
# 5  
Old 12-09-2013
ok thank you all for your help
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