Gzip status output is not redirecting.

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Operating Systems AIX Gzip status output is not redirecting.
# 1  
Old 09-09-2013
Facebook [Solved] Gzip status output is not redirecting.

Dear all

I am facing issue in one part of my script.
in this part i am trying to zip the files but want the status to be redirected to a text file

YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> cat final_col.sh
gzip -cv /data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control01.ctl >  /dbbackup/oracle/VAS/data/control01.ctl.gz
gzip -cv /data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control02.ctl >  /dbbackup/oracle/VAS/data/control02.ctl.gz
gzip -cv /data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control03.ctl >  /dbbackup/oracle/VAS/data/control03.ctl.gz
gzip -cv /oracle/app/oracle/ >  /dbbackup/oracle/VAS/data/initvas.ora.gz
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> sh final_col.sh
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control01.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control02.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control03.ctl:        99.7%
/oracle/app/oracle/     52.9%

I tried redirecting it but not worked.

YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> sh final_col.sh >final_col.txt
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control01.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control02.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control03.ctl:        99.7%
/oracle/app/oracle/     52.9%
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> cat final_col.txt

YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> sh final_col.sh 2>&1 >final_col.txt
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control01.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control02.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control03.ctl:        99.7%
/oracle/app/oracle/     52.9%
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> cat final_col.txt

YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> cat final_col.txt
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> sh final_col.sh |tee -a final_col.txt
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control01.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control02.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control03.ctl:        99.7%
/oracle/app/oracle/     52.9%
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> cat
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> cat final_col.txt
YAMVASSRV02[oracle]_vas> sh final_col.sh |tee -a >final_col.txt
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control01.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control02.ctl:        99.7%
/data01/oracle/oradata/vas/control/control03.ctl:        99.7%
/oracle/app/oracle/     52.9%

Any body have any idea about how to do it.
# 2  
Old 09-09-2013
You need to redirect stderr:

>final_col.txt 2>&1


None of these is found in your examples.
# 3  
Old 09-09-2013
Hi RudiC

Perfect option 1, 2 both worked but with 3rd option the result is not getting
any ways i need to use any one


Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment edit by bakunin: changed thread title to "Solved"

Last edited by bakunin; 09-13-2013 at 03:04 AM..
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