9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. What is on Your Mind?
Just restarted MySQL a few times.
There seems to be a problem with MySQL performance because one table (our man page table) is too large and I need to move that table to a new database and out of the main forums DB.
That table is over 7 GB, bigger than the rest of the DB combined:
... (14 Replies)
Discussion started by: Neo
14 Replies
2. Programming
I need to rotate a pixmap in XLib with some kind of interpolation to reduce the aliasing.
I came up with the following code, which uses bilinear interpolation. It works fine: the rotated image looks perfect, but unfortunately it takes 5 or 6 seconds for each rotation. (in a 300x300, 16 colours... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: mghis
5 Replies
3. AIX
I'm supposed to capture many performance stats on AIX 6 and stuck up with below:
Priority queue
Disk cache hit%
Page out rate
Swap out rate
Memory queue
I see vmstatis helpful for "page out" but not sure how to get the "rate".
Could anyone please let me know how to get these... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: reddyr
4 Replies
4. AIX
I would like to hear your thoughts about this. We are running our Data warehouse on DB2 DPF (partition environment) and I have notice that sometimes we hit the Asynchronous-I/O-Processes peak. DB2 relies heavily on Asynchronous I/O so I would believe this has an negative impact.We are... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: arizah
10 Replies
5. AIX
Hi Guys,
This is the situation I am in. Provide your views and input where should I start?
I have one P7 test server and a p520 production server. the job is taking pretty long on the P7 test server when compared to the P5 production server. below is the full detail.
Informix... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: ithinksgreen
5 Replies
6. SCO
We have migrated SCO 5.0.6 into ESX4, but the VM eats 100% of the virtual CPU.
Here is top print from the SCO VM:
last pid: 16773; load averages: 1.68, 1.25, 0.98 02:08:41
79 processes: 75 sleeping, 2 running, 1 zombie, 1 onproc
CPU states: 0.0% idle, 17.0% user,... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: ccc
7 Replies
7. AIX
... a disk drive to be 100% busy?
hdisk0 100.0 1.3K 342.7 1.3K 22.0 PgspIn 651 % Noncomp 75.5
hdisk1 100.0 1.3K 320.2 1.2K 20.0 PgspOut 6 % Client 75.5
It's really slowing down performance on my system and I would like to know what is causing this.
... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: bbbngowc
2 Replies
8. AIX
I'm doing performance testing for one application which works on AIX.
But I don't know which performance parameters of memory need to be collected. Now, I just know very few:
1. page in
2. page out
3. fre
They are all collected by "vmstat" command.
I want to know, except for above... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: adasong
2 Replies
9. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hiya all,
I am a newbie sysadmin to AIX, i have worked on HPUX for 3 years.
I have started a new role with in an IBM house and because there is me and one other there are a couple of issues I cannot work out:
We havehad a production server slowing down processing batch jbs over the past... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: chlawren
6 Replies