be careful of spaces. You can't have spaces around =
COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
vinos method uses the bash specific syntax
which will run faster as it doesn't need to
start a seperate expr process per increment.
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I want to write a perl script, which will increment number stored in file. I want to do this without any file handles. I think we have to use some UNIX commands. I am not sure how to do this with file handles.
Thanks, (1 Reply)
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2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
I have a variable n that stores a number.
Eg. echo $n comes out to be 120.
I need to print 121 using echo command on n.
Please advice.
Thanks in advance !! (4 Replies)
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Could anyone help out with this?
for i in *.*
s=`expr $s+1`
echo $s
mv $i $j
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This is my first post so be gentle.
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8. Shell Programming and Scripting
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9. Shell Programming and Scripting
hey guys,
I need to incerement the date variable for instance
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2014-08-02 20:05:00
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hw_GetObject - Object record
mixed hw_getobject (int $connection, mixed $objectID, [string $query])
Gets an object record. If the second parameter is an array of integer the function will
o $connection
- The connection identifier.
o $objectID
- The object identifier, or an array of identifiers.
o $query
- The query string has the following syntax:
<expr> ::= "(" <expr> ")" |
"!" <expr> | /* NOT */
<expr> "||" <expr> | /* OR */
<expr> "&&" <expr> | /* AND */
<attribute> <operator> <value>
<attribute> ::= /* any attribute name (Title, Author, DocumentType ...) */
<operator> ::= "=" | /* equal */
"<" | /* less than (string compare) */
">" | /* greater than (string compare) */
"~" /* regular expression matching */
Returns the object record for the given object ID if the second parameter is an integer.
If the second parameter is an array of integer the function will return an array of object records. In such a case the last parameter is
also evaluated which is a query string.
hw_getandlock(3), hw_getobjectbyquery(3).
PHP Documentation Group HW_GETOBJECT(3)