When you deploy your software, do you also have a common directory structure associated with it? For instance, if I were to deploy to /home/my-user, would there be common directories under /home/my-user such as sh, log, bin, files? If so, you could develop a common approach to deployment by having your user enter in the common path to the directory.
For example:
#My Deployment Script
echo "Enter Deployment Directory"
if [ ! -d $DEPLOY_DIR ]
echo "$DEPLOY_DIR Not A Directory"
exitt 1
. $UNIX_ENV/envFile #Source in the environment file
#Add all path variables to the env file so
#that you never have to change a path #again!
export SH_PATH=$UNIX_ENV/sh
export BIN_PATH=$UNIX_ENV/bin
export LOG_PATH=$UNIX_ENV/log
If this is not an option, then you can used sed to change all of the paths based upon user input. There will be a little effort to ensure your changing the correct line in each file. This can easly be overcome by tagging the line in each file that you want to have changed. Make sure that before you change your original file that you make a backup!
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PAM_XAUTH(8) Linux-PAM Manual PAM_XAUTH(8)
pam_xauth - PAM module to forward xauth keys between users
pam_xauth.so [debug] [xauthpath=/path/to/xauth] [systemuser=UID] [targetuser=UID]
The pam_xauth PAM module is designed to forward xauth keys (sometimes referred to as "cookies") between users.
Without pam_xauth, when xauth is enabled and a user uses the su(1) command to assume another user's privileges, that user is no longer able
to access the original user's X display because the new user does not have the key needed to access the display. pam_xauth solves the
problem by forwarding the key from the user running su (the source user) to the user whose identity the source user is assuming (the target
user) when the session is created, and destroying the key when the session is torn down.
This means, for example, that when you run su(1) from an xterm session, you will be able to run X programs without explicitly dealing with
the xauth(1) xauth command or ~/.Xauthority files.
pam_xauth will only forward keys if xauth can list a key connected to the $DISPLAY environment variable.
Primitive access control is provided by ~/.xauth/export in the invoking user's home directory and ~/.xauth/import in the target user's home
If a user has a ~/.xauth/import file, the user will only receive cookies from users listed in the file. If there is no ~/.xauth/import
file, the user will accept cookies from any other user.
If a user has a .xauth/export file, the user will only forward cookies to users listed in the file. If there is no ~/.xauth/export file,
and the invoking user is not root, the user will forward cookies to any other user. If there is no ~/.xauth/export file, and the invoking
user is root, the user will not forward cookies to other users.
Both the import and export files support wildcards (such as *). Both the import and export files can be empty, signifying that no users are
Print debug information.
Specify the path the xauth program (it is expected in /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth, /usr/bin/xauth, or /usr/bin/X11/xauth by default).
Specify the highest UID which will be assumed to belong to a "system" user. pam_xauth will refuse to forward credentials to users with
UID less than or equal to this number, except for root and the "targetuser", if specified.
Specify a single target UID which is exempt from the systemuser check.
Only the session type is provided.
Memory buffer error.
Permission denied by import/export file.
Cannot determine user name, UID or access users home directory.
User not known.
Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/su to forward xauth keys between users when calling su:
session optional pam_xauth.so
pam_xauth will work only if it is used from a setuid application in which the getuid() call returns the id of the user running the
application, and for which PAM can supply the name of the account that the user is attempting to assume. The typical application of this
type is su(1). The application must call both pam_open_session() and pam_close_session() with the ruid set to the uid of the calling user
and the euid set to root, and must have provided as the PAM_USER item the name of the target user.
pam_xauth calls xauth(1) as the source user to extract the key for $DISPLAY, then calls xauth as the target user to merge the key into the
a temporary database and later remove the database.
pam_xauth cannot be told to not remove the keys when the session is closed.
pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(7)
pam_xauth was written by Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>, based on original version by Michael K. Johnson <johnsonm@redhat.com>.
Linux-PAM Manual 06/04/2011 PAM_XAUTH(8)